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I may not pause to hear thee, for thy words
Are full of danger, and of snares, perchance
Laid by some treacherous foe. But all in vain.
I mock thy wiles to scorn.

Sebast.Ha! ha! the snake
Doth pride himself in his distorted cunning,
Deeming it wisdom. Nay, thou goest not thus.
My heart is bursting, and I will be heard.
What! knowest thou not my spirit was born to hold
Dominion over thine? Thou shalt not cast
Those bonds thus lightly from thee. Stand thou there,
And tremble in the presence of thy lord!

Sylv. This is all madness.

Sebast.Madness! no,—I say
'Tis reason starting from her sleep, to feel
And see, and know in all their cold distinctness,
Things which come o'er her, as a sense of pain
O' th' sudden wakes the dreamer. Stay thee yet:
Be still. Thou art used to smile and to obey;
Aye, and to weep. I have seen thy tears flow fast