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And the glad labourer triumphs that his feet
    In triple dance have struck the hated ground.

Original of the foregoing.

Faune, Nympharum fugieutum amator,
Per meos fines et aprica rura
Lenis incedas, abeasque parvis
Æquus alumnis;
Si tener pleno cadit hædus anno,
Largo nec desunt, Veneris sodali,
Vina crateræ, vetus ara multo
Fumat odore.
Ludit herboso pecus omne campo,
Cum tibi Nonæ redeunt Decembres:
Festus in pratis vacat otioso
Cum bove pagus:
Inter audaces lupus errat agnos:
Spargit agrestes tibi silva frondes;
Gaudet invisam pepulisse fossor
Ter pede terram.