Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/467

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For Practical Workers

���A Spirit-Level for Use in Dark Places

AMILLW'RICiPiT must often set up machinery and benches before a tenant has moved into a building. As the gas and electric lights are not turned on before the tenant takes pos- session, it is hard to level shafting, foundations, benches, etc.. in dark



���A spirit level equipped with a small flash- light will be found very useful for use in dark buildings

places, especially on dark, rainy days. Candles are often employed, but both hands are required. W ith the level to l;e described, one hand is always free.

Use a small, round flashlight battery and drill a hole in one end of the level, large enough to hold it. With a ruler as a guide, make grooves with a thick- set i)enknife on the outside of the level to hold a fine wire. Push the wire in with a screwdriver, fill in the top with rosin or wax and finish smooth. Drill holes under each level, just deep enough to hold a flashlight bulb. Solder wires on them, and fill in with rosin or wax and finish smooth. The rosin or wax fdling will hold the wires and bulb se- curely.

Drill holes for the smallest size but- tons obtainal)le, and push the buttons in

��with a block of wood. A three-wire system is employed. The buttons are so located that the hand which places the level, lights the level with the thumb of that hand, thus leaving the other hand free to work with. A sliding cover is put on the end and screwed in to keep the battery in position. — T. F. BusCH.

To Face Left-Hand Nuts

IN facing left-hand nuts, damage is often done to the facing tool or nut arbor, by the nut's starting to unscrew, and pushing the tool to one side or breaking it. The nut arbor or mandrel shown, will prevent the nut from com- ing loose, holding the nut in place until one side has been faced. It consists of the threaded piece A on which the arm B is held by the set screw. When the nut has been screwed up tight, the shaft arm B is set so that the cap screw C can be tightened up against one of the fiat sides of the nut. The set screw should have a copper end if it is used on nuts that have had their sides finished. When many nuts are to be faced, it will pay to make a small cam that pivots on the end of the arm B to take the place of the screw C. The arbor can be held between lathe-centers or made to fit the mandrel of anv lathe. — C. Anderson.

���This nut arbor or mandrel holds the nut in place until one side has been faced


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