Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/500

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��Popular Srieticc Moiithli/

��A Mechanical Masseur That Works Off Fat and Soothes the Nerves

VANITY of vanities — all is vanity," saith the preacher; but the desire for a svelte figure may not be altogether vain. Excessive weight may mean faulty elimination of waste and under- weight may mean nervous tension, sn that both are to be avoided. It should be a source of satisfaction to discover a means of acquiring a fine, symmetrical form and physical fitness at the same time without entailing loss of time or any long-drawn-out course of exercising.

The automatic massaging ma- chine illustrated here has been designed with that end in view. It is scientific in principle and is composed of a double circle or belt of forty-eight roller-wheels hung on oscillating frames four

���Forty-eight rollcrwliccls hung <.n oscilliiting frames tiavtl over tlic body from the knees to the neck and the pressure can be increased at will

��inches apart. This belt encircles the body, the upper left-hand roller in each frame overlapping the lower right-hand roller in the next frame, so that as the frame expands in passing from the smaller to the larger portions of the body the rollers still pass over the entire surface of the skin.

An elastic belt between the two rows of rollers gives equal pressure to each roller, regardless of what position the frame takes in tra\cling over the irregu- lar surfaces of the body. Thus the hollows receive the same pressure and stimu- lation of circulation as the higher portions. This pressure can be increased, diminished or shut off instanlK- simph' by pushing a button. The rollers can be set to travel from the knees to the neck or the stroke can be shortened to any length and massage applied exclusively to any part desired.

The machine weighs two hun- dred and thirty-five pounds and is equipped with a one-sixth- horsepower motor for any current. A substantial iron base is provided which eliminates \ibralion when the nunhine is in action.

Taking a Census of Occupational Diseases

A STUDY of the subject of occupational diseases affords abundant surprises. House- maid's knee, for instance, which for many years has served as a subject for humorous comment, proves to be a frequent malady of miners. Dust has been found to contain not only minute particles but a watery envelope surround- ing the particles. Sawing certain kinds of woods is .said to produce irritation of the nuicnu- membranes of the nose, throat and eyes. C h i m n c y - sweeps are e s p c c i a 1 1 >• subject to cancer be- cause soot gets into the system.

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