Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 2).djvu/193

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ſecret of exhilarating the ſpirits, by a number of little anecdotes; and could retail the news of the day with infinite addreſs. In going his round of viſits, after he had parted from the Counteſs, he recounted in every bed-chamber he entered the ſingular interview with his new patient. The ſtory improved upon repetition: he ſometimes humorouſly repreſented the Counteſs as diſordered, ſometimes as a perſon gifted with ſecond ſight. The company were eager to become acquainted with ſo extraordinary a character; and the Counteſs Cecilia became the table-talk of the day. The firſt time ſhe made her appearance in the rooms, with her beautiful daughters, all the world crouded to have a ſight of them. But how were the ladies aſtoniſhed, to find the whole party here to whom they had been introduced ſo lately at the caſtle of my Lord Giantdale! They were firſt of all ſtruck by the Bohemian nobleman in the blue ribband, the reverend belly of the canon, and the paralytic privy counſellor.
