Page:Preliminary Lecture to the Course of Lectures on the Institutions of Justinian (Wilde, 1794, bim eighteenth-century preliminary-lecture-to-t wilde-john 1794).pdf/25

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hopes of revival. They will only crackle in the French furnace; and be diſſipated, in a moment, and for ever, in the ſtench and vapour of their noiſome revolutions. Hitherto, in the ſunſhine, in the genial air, of our conſtitutional liberty, our commerce has been an ever-green. With a revolution of our ſyſtem, there would be a revolution of our climate. It would be the dreadful ſign, at once, and the fatal completion, of our remedileſs fall.

"Periſh our commenrce; live our conſtitution." So ſpoke Mr. Grattan in the Iriſh Houſe of Commons, on the buſineſs of the Iriſh propoſitions, ſeveral years ago. He was not accuſed of undervaluing the commerce of Ireland. Yet it is not this gentleman to whom I referred, as the great and original authority. This is

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