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Geography and Anthropology

Relations of Geography and History. By h. b. George. With two maps. Crown 8vo, Second edition. 4s. 6d. The Dawn of Modern Geography. By c. R. Beazley. VoL i (to A.D. 900). Vol. II (a.d. 900-1260). 15s. net each. Vol. III. 20s. net. Regions of the World. Geographical Memoirs under the general emtorship of H. J. M ackinder. Large 8vo. Each volume contains maps and diagrams. 7s. 6d. net per volume. Britain and the British Seas. Second edition. By H. J. Mackixder. Central Europe. By John Partsch. The Nearer East. By D. G. Hogarth. North America. By J. Russell. India. By Sir Thomas Holdich. The Far East. By Archirald Little. The Face of the Earth (Das Antlitz der Erde). By Eduard Suess. Translated by Hertha Sollas. Vols. I, II. 25s, net each. The Oxford Geogr^mhies. By a. J. Herhertson. Crown 8vo. VoL I. The Preliminary Geography, with 72 maps and diagrams. Is. 6d. Vol. II. The Junior Geographv, second edition, 166 maps and diagrams, 28. VoL III. The Senior Geography, with 117 maps and diagrams, 2s. 6d. Geography for Schools, by a. Hughes. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. The Evolution of Culture, and other Essays, by the late Lieut. -Gen. A. Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers; edited by J. L. Myres, with an Introduction by H. Balfour. 8vo, with 21 plates, 7s. 6d. net. Dubois' Hindu Maimers, Customs, and Ceremonies. Translated and edited with notes, corrections, and biography, by H. K. Beauchamp. Third edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. net. On India Paper, 7s. 6d. net The Melanesians, studies in their Anthropology and Folk-Lore. By R. H. CoDRiNOTON. 8vo. 16s. Iceland and the Faroes. By N. Annandale. with twenty-four illustrations and an appendix on the Celtic Pony, by F. H. A. Marshall. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. The Masai, their Language and Folk-lore. By a. c. Holus. With introduction by Sir Charles Eliot. 8vo. With 27 full-page illustra- tions and a map. 14s. net. Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx. By j. Rhys. Two volumes. 8vo. £1 Is. Studies in the Arthurian Legend. By J. Rnfs. svo. 12s. 6d. The Mediaeval Stage, from classical times through folk-play and minstrelsy to Elizabethan drama. By £. K. Chambers. With two illustra- tions. 8vo. £1 5s. net. 10