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laid vid great flags of iron, and plates of braſs which are ſtrongly heated, by de force of de great fires, at phich de hereticks are roaſting one another 'pon ſpits, dat 'tis great torment to valk 'pon dem. You know phen you vill throw off your brogues by de fireſhide at night, and ſet your bare foots 'pon de ſtone in de harth—He will be very ſhore,—ah, wod’ent he?—By my ſhoul yon is five hundred times as ſore as dat. Or, if you wou’d make a trulv experiment of de ting, take a girdle and put her 'pon de fire till ſhe be moſt red hot, den ſet her down and clap your bare arſe 'pon her, dat vill be nearer reſemblance of her ſtill; but vill not come up to her yet. I know it iſh a cuſhtomary ting vid us Catho’s to provide againſt our dear departed friends ſuffering dish torment, by putting a pair of new brogues 'pon deir cush in de coffin: which I do confesh may do shum ſervice, dat ish, if dey take