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84 Joseph Schafer Red R. S., June 12, 1846. Copy. Confidential. My Dear Sir: In answer to the questions in your confi- dential letter of the loth June relating to the protection and accommodations for troops in the establishments of the Hud- son's Bay Company at Red River, we beg to inform you that Fort Garry will afford sufficient accommodations for 300 men including officers, etc., should all the buildings be given up for the accommodation of the troops. We would also recommend that chimneys should be constructed at either end of the build- ings now used as storehouses, and that the walls of the same buildings be filled between the frame work in order to ren- der them sufficiently warm for barracks in the winter. The above are the only alterations we think it advisable to make at the present time, leaving the alteration of the interior arrangement to the officers in command after the arrival of the troops in the country. (Signed) Henry J. Warre, etc. M. Vavasour, etc. [No. 13.] LIEUT. VAVASOUR'S [ENGINEERING] REPORT. Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River, Oregon Territory, ist March, 1846. Sir : In continuation of my report dated Red River Settle- ment 10 June, 1845, I have the honor to inform you that I left that settlement in company with Lieut. Warre and party of the i6th June. [Omit down to last H on page 7. Matter omitted refers exclusively to the part of the journey east of the mountains, a description of the Columbia River and the trading posts along it, to Fort Vancouver, matter which is sufficiently covered in the general report.] Before continuing my repoit, and with reference to the 3d

paragraph of your orders, I beg to insert an extract of a let-----