Page:R U R Rossum s Universal Robots.pdf/104

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R. U. R.


What else do you expect? Why do you keep selling thousands and thousands of these heathens as soldiers?


I suppose it can't be helped, Nana. We can't know—Domin can't know what they're to be used for. When an order comes for them he must just send them.


He shouldn't make them. [Reading from newspaper]: "The Rob-ot soldiers spare no-body in the occ-up-ied terr-it-ory. They have ass-ass-ass-ass-inat-ed ov-er sev-en hundred thou-sand cit-iz-ens." Citizens, if you please.


It can't be. Let me see. "They have assassinated over seven hundred thousand citizens, evidently at the order of their commander. This act which runs counter to——"


[Spelling out the words]: "re-bell-ion in Ma-drid a-gainst the gov-ern-ment. Rob-ot in-fant-ry fires on the crowd. Nine thou-sand killed and wounded."