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another decree of the same Holy Congregation, of March 19, 1841, declared, that by a Confession and Communion made on Easter Day, a Plenary Indulgence may be gained by assisting devoutly at the Papal Benediction,[1] and that the Paschal precept might be fulfilled at the same time.

And thirdly, as regards the prayers which are directed to be said for gaining Indulgences:—these may be recited by two or more persons alternately in prayers such as the Rosary, Litanies, the Angelus, the De profundis, and other suchlike prayers. This is expressly declared by the above named holy Pontiff Pius VII., in a decree of the S. Congregation, under date Feb. 29, 1820.

As a third and last condition of gaining a Plenary Indulgence and remission of all sins, venial included, it is required that we detest those said venial sins, and moreover lay aside every affection to all such sins in general, as well as to each in particular. God grant us of His holy grace that such dispositions be found in all those Christians who are desirous of gaining these Indulgences; and grant us likewise to remember, that whilst we do our utmost to gain them, we ought always, notwithstanding, to endeavour at the same time to do worthy fruits of penance, and by means of other wholesome penal works, as well as works of mercy and devotion, pay to the Divine justice some satisfaction for the misdeeds we have done.

This, devout reader, is all I have to say to you in presenting to you this collection of prayers and pious exercises, to which Sovereign Pontiffs have granted holy Indulgences, Plenary and Partial. It is a treasure neglected by many of the faithful, partly because its existence, and partly because its value, is not knowm, hence men take not that account of it which they ought. I have given it the name of "A Collection of Prayers," &c., because I should indeed have taken on myself too arduous a task had I endeavoured to gather into one volume all the prayers and pious works to which Indulgences are annexed. Accordingly I have restricted myself to those alone which can be practised for the most part by all faithful Christians; and I have specified the Indulgence annexed to each such prayer or work, by quoting distinctly the constitutions, briefs, or rescripts of the Sovereign

  1. On Holy Saturday.