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If their lamps were unfurniſhed with oil, how unfit muſt they be, in such decrepit circumſtances, to go to the market and buy! For, beſides a variety of disorders, ariſing from the unfeebled conſtitution, their corruptions muſt be surpriſingly ſtrengthened, by such a long course of irreligion.

Some, no doubt, came to this their laſt retreat full of piety, and full of days; "as a shock of corn, ripe with age, and laden with plenty, cometh in, in his ſeaſon."

——Theſe were children of light, and wiſe in their generation; wise with that exalted wiſdom which cometh from above: and with that enduring wiſdom which laſts to eternity.—Rich alſo they were, more honourably and permanently rich, than all the votaries of mammon. The wealth of the one has made itſelf wings and is irrecoveraly gone; while the wretched acquirers are tranſmitted to that place of penury and pain, where not ſo much as one drop of water is allowed to cool their ſcorched tongues, the ſtores of the other ſtill abide with them; will never depart from them; but make them glad, for ever and ever, in the city of their God.

What figure is that which ſtrikes my eye, from an eminent part of the wall? It is not only placed in a more elevated ſituation than the reſt, but earries a more ſplended & ſumptuous air than ordinary. Swords and ſpears, murdering engines, and inſtruments