Page:Regulations for the North Carolina National Guard, 1907.pdf/23

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Bonds for proper care, use and return of property. 4884. Bond. Commanders of regiments and companies, and all other officers who are responsible for public military property, shall execute and deliver to the Adjutant General a bond, payable to the State of North Carolina, in a sufficient sum and with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Governor, conditioned for the proper care and use, of said public property, and the return of the same, when ordered by competent authority, in good order, ordinary wear and unavoidable loss and damage excepted; and in case of such loss or damage, to immediately furnish the Adjutant General with properly attested affidavits setting forth all the facts attending said loss or damage.

Property to be kept in armories. 4885. Care and return of military property. All public military Property to be kept property, except when in use in the performance of military duty, shall be kept in armories, or other properly designated places of deposit; and it shall be unlawful for any person charged with the care and safety of said public property to allow the same out of his custody except as above specified.

VI. Public Arms.

Public arms not to be distributed to remain in arsenal 4886. Where kept. All the public arms of every description belonging to the State, which may not be distributed among the militia according to law, shall, under the direction of the Adjutant General, be deposited and kept in the public arsenal established at Raleigh.

Keeper of capitol to have charge of arsenal. 4887. Keeper of the arsenal. The Keeper of the Capitol shall, under the direction of the Adjutant General, have charge of the arsenal at Raleigh. The Governor may make such provisions as he may think necessary for guarding and protecting the arsenals and depots of arms, and for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred under this and the preceding section he may, upon the certificate of the Adjutant General, from time to time draw on the State Treasurer for such sums as may be necessary.

The Freight to be paid. 4888. Freight on public arms paid out of general fund. Auditor of the State is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the payment of such sums as may be certified by the Adjutant General and the Governor to be actually necessary to pay the freight upon ammunition, uniforms and equipment shipped out from or returned to the State arsenal.

Arms and accouterments to be kept in good order. 4889. Kept in good order. Every non-commissioned officer and private belonging to any company equipped with public arms shall keep and preserve his arms and accouterments in good order and in a soldier-like manner; and for every neglect to do so may be punished by court-martial.