Page:Regulations for the North Carolina National Guard, 1907.pdf/25

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eighteen and twenty-one years may be enlisted with the written consent of father, only surviving parent, or legally appointed guardian.

National guard to be ordered for service. 4897. When ordered out. The National Guard shall be liable at all times to be ordered into active service. The commander in chief may at any time, upon reasonable apprehension of riot, insurrection or invasion, or for any other reasonable cause, order out such portion of the active militia as he may deem necessary.

Articles of war to be enforced. Whenever any portion of the militia shall be on duty under or pursuant to the order of the Governor, or other competent authority, or shall be ordered to assemble for duty in time of war, insurrection, invasion, public danger, or to aid the civil authorities on account of any breach of the peace, tumult, riot, resistance to legal process of this State, or imminent danger thereof, or for any other cause, the Articles of War governing the Army of the United States, and the regulations prescribed for the Army of the United States, as far as such regulations are consistent with this chapter and the regulations issued thereunder, shall be enforced and regarded as a part of this chapter until said forces shall be duly relieved from such duty. Powers of courts-martial As to offenses committed, when such Articles of War are so enforced, courts-martial shall possess, in addition to the jurisdiction and power of sentence and punishment herein vested in them, all additional jurisdiction and power of sentence and punishment exercisable by like courts under such Articles of War or regulations or laws governing the United States Army, or the customs and usages thereof; but no punishment under such rules and articles which will extend to the taking of life shall in any case be inflicted except in time of war, invasion, or insurrection, declared by a proclamation of the Governor to exist, and then only after approval by the Governor of the sentence inflicting such punishment. Imprisonment other than in guard-house shall be executed in jails or prisons designated by the Governor for that purpose.

Organization. 4898. Divided into land and naval forces. The commander in chief may organize the National Guard into such brigades, regiments, battalions, batteries, companies or unattached companies as he may think best for the public service, and may allow to be enrolled not more than six companies, to be designated as divisions, which shall constitute the Naval Brigade of North Carolina Naval brigade. National Guard.

Allowance to brigades, naval brigades and regiments. 4899. Maintenance of. There shall be allowed annually to each commander of an infantry brigade, naval brigade, and regiment of infantry, $300, with which to defray the necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of the duties of his office. Allowance to infantry companies and naval divisions.

There shall be allowed likewise annually to each company of the land forces and