Page:Regulations for the North Carolina National Guard, 1907.pdf/31

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the active militia, or such part thereof as may be necessary, and if the number available be insufficient, he shall order out such part of the reserve militia as he may deem necessary. During the ab¬ sence of organizations of the National Guard in the service of the United States their State designations shall not be given to new organizations.

Number ordered out to be designated 4926. How ordered out. The commander in chief shall, when ordering out the inactive militia, designate the number ordered He may order them out either by calling for volunteers or by draft. He may attach them to the several organizations of the active militia or organize them into separate brigades, regiments, battalions or companies, as may be best for the service.

Draft. 4927. How drafted. If the inactive militia is ordered out by draft, the commander in chief shall designate the persons in each county to make the draft, and prescribe rules and regulations for conducting the same.

Rolls of inactive militia to be made 4928. Roll of inactive militia. The Register of Deeds of each county shall, on the first Monday in October of the year one thou-sand nine hundred and six, and quadrennially thereafter, make out from the tax list of his county an alphabetical list of all able-bodied male persons between the ages of twenty-one and forty years, resident in his county and who are not enrolled in the active militia, Rolls forwarded to adjutant General and shall forward the same on or before the fifteenth of the month to the Adjutant General. Separate enrollment. The whites and negroes shall, be enrolled separately, and shall be designated. These rolls shall constitute the rolls of the inactive militia. For this service the Register of Deeds shall receive one cent for every ten names, to be paid by the county. The rolls so made up shall be used in making all drafts from the inactive militia.

Subject to regulations and penalties 4929. Subject to same regulations as active. Whenever any part of the inactive militia is ordered out, it shall be governed by the same rules and regulations and subject to the same penalties as the active militia.

General Provisions.

All Pay and care when disabled or injured in service.

4930. Pay and care when injured or disabled in service. An active member of the National Guard who shall, when on duty or assembled therefor, in case of riot, tumult, breach of the peace, insurrection, or invasion, or whenever ordered by the Governor, commanding officer of the National Guard, or called in aid of the civil authorities, receive any injury, or incur or contract any disability or disease, by reason of such duty or assembly therefor, or who shall without fault or neglect on his part be wounded or disabled while performing any lawfully ordered duty, which shall temporarily incapacitate him from pursuing his usual business or occu-