Page:Regulations for the North Carolina National Guard, 1907.pdf/35

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forces of which said enlisted men form a part. Every company officer of a regiment, commanding any troop, battery, or company not in the field, or commanding in any garrison, fort, post, or barrack, may, in the absence of his field officer, grant furloughs to the enlisted men, for a time not exceeding twenty days in six months, and not to more than two persons to be absent at the same time.

Musters, Art. 12. At every muster of a regiment, troop, battery, or company, the commanding officer thereof shall give to the mustering officer certificates, signed by himself, stating how long absent officers have been absent and the reasons of their absence. And the commanding officer of every troop, battery, or company shall give like certificates, stating how long absent non-commissioned officers and private soldiers have been absent and the reasons of their absence. Such reasons and time of absence shall be inserted in the muster rolls opposite the names of the respective absent officers and soldiers, and the certificates, together with the muster rolls, shall be transmitted by the mustering officer to the Department of War, as speedily as the distance of the place of muster will admit.

False certificates. Art. 13. Every officer who signs a false certificate, relating to the absence or pay of an officer or soldier, shall be dismissed from the service.

False muster. Art. 14. Any officer who knowingly makes a false muster of man or horse, or who signs, or directs, or allows the signing of any muster roll, knowing the same to contain a false muster, shall, upon proof thereof by two witnesses, before a court-martial, be dismissed from the service, and shall thereby be disabled to hold any office or employment in the service of the United States.

Allowing military store to be damaged. Art. 15. Any officer who, willfully or through neglect, suffers to be lost, spoiled, or damaged, any military stores belonging to the United States, shall make good the loss or damage, and be dismissed from the service.

Wasting ammunition. Art. 16. Any enlisted man who sells, or willfully or through eglect, wastes the ammunition delivered out to him, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Offense of selling horse, arms etc. Art. 17. Any soldier who sells, or through neglect loses or spoils his horse, arms, clothing, or accouterments, shall be punished as a court-martial may adjudge, subject to such limitation as may be prescribed by the President by virtue of the power vested in him. (Act of July 27, 1892).

Commanders not to graft on stores.

Art. 18. Any officer commanding in any garrison, fort, or barracks of the United States who, for his private advantage, lays any duty or imposition upon, or is interested in, the sale of any