Page:Resolutions and Theses of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922).djvu/116

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3. The S.P.E. is therefore instructed to summon a congress for the above purposes at an early date, and not later than January 15, 1923.

Resolution of Danish

(1) This Congress declares that the present Communist Party of Denmark, which was formed under the directions of the Executive of the Communist International, by a union of the Communist "Enhatsparti" and a part of the so-called old Party, one which has loyally carried out all decisions of the Communist International, is recognised as the only section of the Communist International in Denmark. The Party's chief publication, "Arbeiderbladet," and other recognised organs of the Party, shall be issued as Communist Party publications.

(2) The Congress demands that all Communist organisations at present outside of the United Party shall join the United Party.

Such organisations and members of the so-called old Party, who, within the next three months, decide in favour of this United Communist Party and declare themselves as prepared loyally to execute all directions of this Party and its central organs, and of the Communist International, shall be received into the United Party without further conditions.

Resolution of Spanish

1. The Spanish Communist Party, which, together with France and Italy had voted against the tactics of the United Front at the Session of the Enlarged Executive in February, soon recognised its error, and on the occasion of the great Asturian strike in May, declared itself for the United Front tactics, as a result of conviction and not of mere formal party discipline. This showed the Spanish working class that the Party was ready to fight for its every-day demands, and was capable of leading the workers in this struggle.

In persevering in this attitude and in taking advantage of all the opportunities for action by drawing the working class organisations and the entire proletariat into action by co-ordinating their revolutionary effort, the Spanish Communist Party will gain the confidence of the masses, and will fulfil its historic mission.

2. The Fourth World Congress expresses its pleasure at the satisfactory solution of the crisis which had convulsed the Party at the beginning of the year, and which ended in the