Page:Resolutions and Theses of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922).djvu/74

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indispensable for the task of permeating the masses of working women with Communist ideas and watchwords.

In the countries with a bourgeois class regime, the chief task of systematic Communist activity among the female proletariat, the women in industry, consists in the struggle for the defence of the most pressing needs of life against the exploiting capitalists, in the struggle for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and for the establishment of proletarian dictatorship. On the other hand, in the Soviet States, the chief task of the Women's Secretariat consisted in drawing the working and peasant women into active participation on all the fields of the economic and social life of their respective countries, and in training them for the constructive work of the proletarian State and the tasks which the latter has to fulfil. The International significance of Soviet Russia as the first workers' State produced by the world revolution, gives a special meaning to the Communist activity of the working women of these countries, as it serves as an example to all the sections of the Communist International in the countries where the proletariat has not yet acquired power, the indispensable pre-requisite for the reconstruction of society on a Communist basis. That it is indispensable to have special organisations for the conducting of Communist work among women, has also been shown by the activity of the Women's Secretariat for the East, which has done valuable and successful work on a perfectly new and rather difficult field.

The Fourth World Congress of the Communist International is, however, compelled to admit that some sections have either not carried out their tasks at all, or have done so in a very unsatisfactory manner. Up to the present they have either failed to take the necessary measures for the organisation of the women Communists within the party, or to establish party organs which are indispensable for working and keeping in contact with the masses of working women.

The Fourth Congress enjoins these sections with the least possible delay to make good their failure to comply with the decisions of the last Congress. At the same time, it reminds all sections of the Communist International to concentrate their attention on work among women in view of the great importance of women's collaboration for the movement as a whole. The proletarian united front can only be realised if the women take a rational and energetic part in it in perfect equality with men. Given a proper and close alliance between the Communist Parties and the working women, the latter can become under certain circumstances the pioneers of the proletarian united front and of the revolutionary mass movements.

The Communist International must unite, without any differentiation, all the forces of the proletariat and of the