Page:Resolutions of the Aggregate Catholic Meeting, Held in Dublin, Tuesday, December 15th, 1812 (IA jstor-30074233).pdf/2

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Monthly Retrospect of Politics.

Resolved, That the Catholics of Ireland indignantly disclaim all secret and disguised views, as equally inconsistent with the open candour and manliness of the Irish character, as they are with the uniform publicity of all our proceedings.

Resolved, That we owe it as a duty to ourselves, our country, and the world, to proclaim those insinuations and charges to be as unfounded as they are calumnious, as untrue as they are foul, and as false as they are malignant.

Resolved, That the Catholics of Ireland neither seek nor desire any religious ascendancy whatsoever: all they demand is an equal eligibility to civil and military employments with persons of other persuasions.

Resolved, That the fidelity of the Catholics is evinced by the treasure they contribute, and the blood they shed in the defence of the throne and the constitution, and which treasure and blood they have persevered in contributing and shedding, in the midst of privations, penalties, and even of calumnies.

Resolved, That Robert Hearty, Esq., late High Sheriff of the city of Dublin, deserved the thanks of the people of Ireland, for the pure and unimpeachable integrity, and constitutional impartiality, with which in bad times he fulfilled the first and most important duties of his office.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting are hereby given to the Protestants, who have honoured us with their presence this day; and particularly to the two distinguished individuals who have so ably pleaded the cause of civil and religious freedom, Counsellors Walsh and Finlay.

The Earl of Fingall having left the chair, and Randal Mac Donnell, Esq. being called thereto,

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting are justly due, and hereby returned to the Earl of Fingall, as our chair-man this day, and for his conduct on other occasions in pursuit of our emancipation.