Page:Revelations of divine love (Warrack 1907).djvu/292

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Come from = go from.
Common : the Blessed Common = the Christian Community.
Contrarious = perverse. Various other forms are used from to contrary, to oppose.
Could and can refer to knowledge and practical skill, ability.
Courteous = gently considerate and fair; reverentially ceremonious; Gracious.
Deadly = mortal.
Dearworthy = precious; beloved and honoured.
Depart = dispart, part.
Deserve = earn.
Disease = distress, trouble, want of ease.
Doom, deeming = judgment. Doomsman = priestly confessor.
Enjoy in = enjoy; rejoice in.
Entend = attend.
Enter = lead in.
Even = equal; even-like; even-right = straight, straight-facing.
Even-Christian (even-cristen, sing, or pl.) = fellow-Christian. Hamlet V. i., "And the more the pity that great folk have countenance in this world to drown or hang themselves more than their even Christian."
Faithfully = trustfully.
For that = because.
Fulfilled of = filled full with. Fulfilling = fulfilment, Perfect Bliss.
Garland = crown.
Generally = relating to things or people in general, not "in special."
Grante mercy = ("grand merci") great thanks.
Have to = betake one's self to.
Hastily = quickly, soon.
Homely = intimate, simple, as of one at home.
Honest = fair, seemly.
If = that (chap, xxxii., "Thou shalt see—if all—shall be well. Acts xxvi. 8, R.V. and Auth. V.).