Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/114

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§§ 76-82
The Legislative Assembly.

and other state officials, and for such printing and binding as may be authorized by the legislative Assembly shall be certified to accorling to law, and when such accounts shall have been approved in writing by the secretary of state, whose duty it shall be to keep a record of and carefully examine all printing so authorized, the state auditor shall draw his warrant on the state treasurer for such sums as may be found due, and there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated a sum sufficient to pay for said printing.

§ 77. Secretary to arrange and correct laws. In arranging the laws, memorials and resolutions for publication the secretary of state is authorized to make such corrections in orthography, grammatical construction and punctuation of the same as in his judgment shall be proper; but when any words or clauses are inserted, the same shall be enclosed in brackets.

§ 78. Officers to deliver laws to successors. Whenever any person shall be elected to fill any of the county, township or district offices in this state it shall be such person's duty before taking possession of the office to procure from the county auditor of his county a copy of the receipts filed with such auditor by the outgoing officer for any volumes of the laws of this state; which copy of receipt the person so elected shall exhibit to his predecessor in office at the time he assumes the duties of his office, and shall require from his predecessor all the volumes of laws which he may have received, as shown by such receipt, and it shall be the duty of such officer after having received from his predecessor the volumes of laws to make out duplicate receipts of the same, one of which receipts he shall give to his predecessor in office, and the other he shall forth with transmit to the county auditor of the county, who is hereby required to file the same in his office.

§ 79. Secretary of state to sell statutes. The secretary of state shall sell to an person applying therefor the volumes of laws of this state for the cost and ten per cent added, and pay over to the state treasurer all sums so received, taking the official receipt of such treasurer therefor.

§ 80. Copies of laws for state Library. Ten volumes of the laws passed hy each legislative Assembly shall be placed in the state library by the secretary of state, and shall be kept therein for the use of any person visiting such library, but shall not be loaned or otherwise disposed of.

§ 81. Conflicts adjusted. If the provisions of any code, chapter or article, conflict with or contravene the provisions of any other code, chapter or article, the provisions of each code, chapter or article must prevail as to all matters in question arising thereunder out of the same subject matter.

§ 82. Secretary of state authorized to arrange statutes, etc. In the publication of codes and general statutes the secretary of state has power without altering the general plan to renumber and readjust sections, chapters, articles and subdivisions, and also to place and distribute the general statutes not now embraced in the codes in the same under the appropriate chapter or other heading.