Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/127

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Executive Department.
§§ 127-132

for new homes. He shall procure the most favorable rates of fare obtainable from railroads and other transportation companies for persons coming to the state, and where such persons have formed a colony or party of considerable number, he shall be required to visit them, if necessary, and do all in his power to direct and assist them in making the necessary arrangements for transportation and in reaching the state.

§ 128. Have charge of public exhibits. He shall have charge of any exhibit of the products and resources of the state which may be made at any fair or exposition held at any point in the United States, and shall have authority to co-operate with any railroad company doing business within the state, and with any other persons interested with a view of securing such an exhibit at any fair or exposition held as aforesaid.

§ 129. State statistician. The commissioner of agriculture shall be the state's statistician; it shall be his duty to obtain from assessors and other officers of the organized counties of the state, and to collate and prepare in tabulated form for reference statistics showing county, township and other municipal indebtedness of all kinds, the assessed valuation of real and personal property, and he shall also ascertain the amount of mortgage indebtedness and assessed value of real property owned by citizens as distinguished from corporations, the acreage in wheat, corn and other kinds of grain, the number of cattle, horses, hogs and other live stock, and the population, vital statistics and other information pertaining to and showing the condition of the growth and development of the state by counties. The commissioner of agriculture and labor may call upon the attorney general for such assistance as to him may seem necessary in the preparation of such blanks as may be needed for procuring the statistics contemplated in this act, and it is the duty of the attorney general to render such assistance.

§ 130. Reports of missioner. When portions may be given out. The commissioner shall report to the legislative assembly the number of coal mines being operated within the state, the number of tons of coal being mined annually, the number of persons employed in coal mining, the wages paid coal miners and the cost per ton to mine coal at the different mines. The commissioner is hereby authorized to give out to the press of this or other states at any time such parts of any reports in course of preparation as may be sufficiently concluded to admit of publication, or such information regarding the statistics of the state as may in his judgment be of interest or value to the people, the design being to furnish to the people through the press as fresh information regarding the state and its industries and condition as possible without awaiting the official publication through biennial or other reports.

§ 131. Salary of. The commissioner of agriculture and labor shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars.

Article 8.-The Commissioner of Insurance.

§ 132. Duties of. It is the duty of the commissioner of insurance:

1. To see that all laws of this state respecting insurance companies are faithfully executed.

2. To file in his office the articles of incorporation of all insurance companies organized or doing business in this state, and on application to furnish a certified copy thereof.