Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/1317

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Other Injuries to Persons.
§§ 7218-7254

§ 7248. Selling before default. Every pawnbroker who sells any article received by him in pledge, before the time to redeem the same has expired, and every pawnbroker who willfully refuses to disclose the name of the purchaser and the price received by him for any article received by him in pledge and subsequently sold, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7249. Peddling without license. Any person who shall pursue the business of trading as a peddler or traveling merchant without license, or who refuses to produce his license for examination upon the request of any resident or officer of the county in which he is carrying on such business, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof is punishable in the discretion of the court, by a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the jail of the county in which the offense is committed not exceeding thirty clays.



§ 7250. Physician being intoxicated. Every physician who, being in a state of intoxication, administers any poison, drug or medicine or does any other act as such physician, to another person, by which the life of such other is endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7251. Willfully poisoning food. Every person how fully mingles any poison with any food, drink or medicine, with intent that the same shall be taken by any human being to his injury, and every person who willfully poisons any spring, well or reservoir of water, is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one and not exceeding ten years, or in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

§ 7252. Overloading passenger vessel. Every person navigating any vessel for gain, who willfully or negligently receives so many passengers, or such a quantity of other lading on board such vessel, that by means thereof such vessel sinks or is overset or injured, and thereby the life of any human being is endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7253. Mismanagement of steamboats. Every captain or other person having charge of any steamboat used for the conveyance of passengers, or of the boilers and engines thereof, who, from ignorance or gross neglect, or for the purpose of excelling any other boat in speed, creates or allows to be created such an undue quantity of steam as to burst or break the boiler or other apparatus in which it shall be generated, or any apparatus or machinery connected there. with. by which bursting or breaking human life is endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7264. Engineer. Steam boilers. Every engineer or other person having charge of any steam boiler, steam engine or other 1283