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§§ 8541-8550
Penitentiary and

§ 8644. Reward for good behavior. Whenever any inmate of the penitentiary, by continued good behavior, diligence in labor or study or otherwise, shall surpass the general average of the inmates, he may be compensated therefor at the discretion of the governor in addition to the diminution of the term of his sentence hereinbefore provided for, upon the recommendation in writing of the board of trustees, either by the further diminution of the term of his sentence, or by the payment of money or by both.

§ 8545. Punishment for infraction may be alleviated. Whenever any person committed to the penitentiary, and as a punishment for any infraction of the rules and regulations thereof, is being deprived of any of the ordinary privileges enjoyed by the other inmates, periodically or otherwise, shall conduct himself in a peaceful, obedient and industrious manner, the board of trustees may suspend the further infliction of such punishment during his good behavior.


§ 8546. Employment and discipline of inmates of penitentiary. All persons sentenced to the punishment of imprisonment in the penitentiary and committed thereto shall be constantly employed for the benefit of the state. No communication shall be allowed between such persons and any person without the penitentiary except under such supervision as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations thereof. No person shall, without the consent of the warden bring into or carry out any writing or any information to or from any inmate of the penitentiary. Persons committed to the penitentiary shall be confined in separate cells at night, whenever there are cells sufficient, and in the daytime all intercourse between them shall be prevented as far as practicable. All communications between male and female inmates shall be prevented.

§ 8547. Spirituous liquors prohibited. Physician's orders. No spirituous or fermented liquors shall, under any pretense whatever, be brought into the penitentiary or upon the grounds except by the direction in writing of the physician and the fact noted in the journal of that day; nor shall spirituous liquors or any article of indulgence be allowed any inmate except by order of the physician, which order shall be in writing and for a definite and limited period. The warden may, in his discretion, make a moderate allowance of tea, coffee or tobacco to inmates as a reward for industry and good behavior.

§ 8648. Food of inmates of penitentiary. The daily sustenance of the inmates of the penitentiary not in the hospital, shall consist of wholesome coarse food, with such proportions of meats and vegetables as the warden shall deem best for the health of the inmates.

§ 8649. Beds and clothing of inmates. The clothing and bedding of the inmates shall be of such quality and quantity as the warden may direct, regard being had to their health and comfort.

§ 8550. Warden to maintain discipline. Assistance. All necessary means shall be used, under the direction of the warden, to maintain order in the penitentiary, enforce obedience, suppress insurrections and effectually prevent escapes, even at the hazard of life, for which purpose he may at all times, command the aid of the officers of the penitentiary and of the citizens outside the precincts thereof and any citizen refusing to obey such command shall be