Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/1523

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Reform School.
§§ 8560-8562

recommendation shall be such person's general demeanor and record of good conduct at the penitentiary.

§ 8560. Breach of parole. Order of recommitment. Any person when on parole from the penitentiary shall be deemed to be in custody, and under control of the board of trustees and subject at any time until the expiration of the term for which he was sentenced, to be taken into actual custody and returned to the penitentiary. The board of trustees is hereby fully empowered to enforce the rules and regulations made by it for the paroling of persons committed to the penitentiary. and, at any time. when satisfactorily informed that any person out on parole has violated any of such rules and regulations, may order that such person be taken into actual custody and recommitted to and confined in the penitentiary as provided in his sentence. The board shall enter in the record of its proceedings any such order and a copy of such order certified by the secretary of the board may be delivered to any sheriff or other peace officer of the state, for service and return, and it shall be the duty of any such officer to receive the same and to apprehend and immediately return and deliver to the warden at the penitentiary any such person named in such order, and the warden shall receive and reimprison such person as upon his original sentence.

§ 8561. Execution of order. Fees and payment. The officer executing any such order of the board of trustees shall indorse thereon a return of his doings thereunder and the said certified copy and return, delivered to the warden with the person named therein, and the warden shall give to such officer, to be retained by him, a certificate acknowledging the receipt of such person and such certified copy of the order and his return. The fees of any officer for executing any order of the board of trustees for the return of any person to the penitentiary shall be the same as provided by law for the commitment of a person to the penitentiary under a sentence of the court, but in no case shall the fees exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. The board of trustees shall provide in its rules and regulations that any person before being paroled from the penitentiary shall deposit with the warden a sum of money not exceeding one hundred dollars to defray the expenses of his return, and the manner of auditing and paying such expenses; provided, that any money so deposited and not so used shall be returned to the person so depositing it at the expiration of the term of sentence of the person, or upon his final discharge from the penitentiary.


§ 8562. Warden may lease labor of inmates. Contract. Approval. The warden is authorized and empowered by and with the advice and approval of the board of trustees, from time to time, to contract for and lease the labor of such number of the able bodied persons confined in the penitentiary, together with such shop room, machinery and power as may be necessary for their proper employment, to such person or persons and for such purposes and upon such terms and conditions and for such length of time, not exceeding five years at any one time, as he shall doem most conducive to the interests of the state and the welfare of the penitentiary and the persons to be employed therefrom.

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