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tutum oporteat conversari in Ecclesiâ Dei; et ut irreprehensibiles sint, qui ei manus Ordinationis imponunt. Eadem itaque auctoritate et præcepto, interrogamus te, dilectissime frater, caritate sincera, si omnem prudentiam tuam, quantum tua capax est natura, divinæ Scripturæ sensibus accommodare volueris?

any man;" and also that he, who is about to be ordained, may be instructed how every one, elevated to this government, is bound to demean himself in the Church of God: and, finally, that they who gave the consecrating imposition of hands, may be irreprehensible. Therefore, by this same authority and precept, we now interrogate thee, most beloved Brother, in charity sincere, whether thou wilt conform to the utmost of thy ability, to the sense of the Sacred Scriptures?

The Bishop Elect standing uncovered replies,

Ita ex toto corde volo in omnibus consentire et obedire.

So, with all my heart, I wish in all things to consent and obey.

In all the other answers the Elect rises and stands uncovered in the same manner.

Inter. VIS ea, quæ ex divinis Scripturis intelligis, plebem, cui Ordinandus es, et verbis docere et exemplis?

Q. WILT thou, both by words and example, teach the Flock, for which thou art ordained, those things which thou understandest from the Holy Scriptures?

℟. Volo.

A. I will.

Int. Vis Traditiones Orthodoxorum Patrum ac Decretales Sanctæ et

Q. Wilt thou reverently receive, teach, and keep, the Traditions of the Or-