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"the said act, so that all those who have already advanced money for making the said navigation, are likely to lose their money so advanced, to the great discouragement of all persons willing to engage in such useful undertakings; and the public is in danger of losing the benefit of such navigation, unless some further provision be made by law for restoring, completing, and maintaining the same : may it therefore please your Majesty, &c. &c."

The proprietors, or original mortgagees, were eighty-one in number, amongst whom was Sir George Savile, Bart. and they were, by this act, incorporated by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of the Calder and Hebble Navigation," with power to raise among themselves, and by the admission of new subscribers, such sums of money, for the purposes of this act, as the company, at any general meeting, shall direct to be raised; and that this, together with the money already advanced, with interest due thereon, shall be divided into £100 shares. The company are also authorized to borrow, on security of the tolls, the sum of £20,000. The concern is under the direction of a committee of five, or more, who are under the control of the general meetings. As this act repeals the act of 31st George II. the following tonnage rates were substituted.


Stones, Slate, Flags, Lime, Limestone and Coal 4s 2d per Ton, for the whole Distance.
All other Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Commodities 9s 0d ditto. ditto. ditto.

And so in proportion for any less Distance or Weight.


Materials for the repairs of any of the Mills on this Line of Navigation, Soaper's waste, Dung, or any Kind of Manure, except Lime and Limestone, provided such Articles pass through the Locks at the time when Water is flowing over the Dam of such Locks.

Boats under Fifteen Tons, not to pass without leave.

Owners of Wharfs may charge Three-pence per Ton for any Article which may remain less than Six Days, if more, a Half-penny per Day in Addition.

The act contains this condition as regards dividends, viz, that whenever more than ten per cent. shall be paid in any one year, on the original sums expended on the navigation, then a reduction