Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/153

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1305 A.D.]
The Death of Wallace.

At last, in the summer of 1305, Sir William Wallace [1] fell into the hands of his enemies. Popular tradition has covered with infamy the memory of Sir John de Menteith, his friend, for having betrayed him; but Sir John had been since March 20, 1304, governor of the castle and sheriffdom of Dunbarton,[2] and there is no evidence to connect him with the treachery. If treachery there was, as is far from unlikely, the real traitor was probably one Rawe Raa (Ralf Ray), in whose house in Glasgow, according to a paper in the Arundel collection, Wallace was taken. This Rawe or Ralf may be identified with Ralf de Haliburton, taken prisoner at Stirling, and released on condition of securing Wallace.[3] The same individual is probably referred to as "le vallet qui espia Will de Waleys," and received a reward of forty marks.[4] One hundred marks were divided among others who took part in the capture, and Menteith, to whose custody as governor of the district he would be committed, received £151. It is quite possible that Menteith had been, and perhaps remained, a personal friend of Wallace; a fact quite sufficient to attract popular odium to his name, although in receiving the prisoner and delivering him up to justice

  1. It is not known when, or at whose hands, Wallace received knighthood, but he is commonly referred to as "Sir William" in contemporary documents. In his indictment at Westminster, however, he is termed simply "Willelmus le Waleys," i.e., William the Welshman.
  2. Bain, ii., 384.
  3. Ibid., 448. His name appears erased in the list of prisoners.
  4. Palgrave, 295.