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And when we're aged and sair bow'd
and hirpling at the door,
Our bairns will row to keep us warm,
as we did them before
Then weel may the boatie row;
she wins the bairns' bread;
And happy be the lot of a'
that wish the boatie speed.

The wealth of the cottage is love.

A blessing unknown to ambition and pride,
that fortune can never aba'e
To wealth and to splendor, though often denied
yet on poverty deigns to await,
That blessing ye pow'rs Oh be it my lot,
the choicest best gift from above,
Deep fix'd in my heart be it never forgot,
that the wealth of the cottage is love.
The wealth. &c.

Thate'er my condition why should I repine
by poverty never depress,d,
Exulting I own what a treasure is mine,
a treasure enshrin'd in my breast.
That blessing ye pow'rs Oh be it my lot,
the choicest best gift from above,
Deep fix'd in my heart be it never forgot,
that the wealth of the cottage is love.
The wealth &c.