Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 2.pdf/78

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Were straightway driven forth from Rome,
Dying in exile, and no home9070
Found kingship there again. Alas!
Through all the world one now might pass,
But no Penelope in Greece
Discover, nor in Rome Lucrece,
Nor such-like women otherwhere:
Seek not—your pains ye well may spare.

Wives chosen blindly In pagan days too well ’tis known
That women many a time have thrown
Themselves at men who sought them not,
As many a one doth now, God wot!9080

Those who in wedlock would engage,
A custom have which neither sage
Nor good I reckon, but bizarre
And strange in each particular,
And oft I marvel what should press
Men on to such fond foolishness.

What man soe’er would buy a horse
Examines him, in common course,
With greatest pains, and carefully
Notes each defect that meets his eye.9090
But women skilfully conceal
All faults from those with whom they deal,
And nought men know of good or ill
Concerning those they wed until
The knot is tied, but that once done,
Good Lord! such pranks ’neath heaven’s high sun
They play, as show all plain and clear
Their inborn vice; nought then they fear,