Page:Romance of the Three Kingdoms - tr. Brewitt-Taylor - Volume 1.djvu/122

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San Kuo, or

suddenly heard a hubbub at the west end of the temple. His brother Ts‘ao Tê, drawing his sword, went out to see what it was about and was at once cut down. Ts‘ao Sung seized one of the concubines by the hand, rushed with her through the passage toward the back of the temple so that they might escape. But the lady was stout and could not get through the narrow doors so the two hid in one of the small outhouses at the side. However, they were seen and slain.

The unhappy Prefect fled for his life to Yüan Shao. The murderers fled into Huainan with their plunder after having set fire to the old temple.

Ts‘ao Ts‘ao, whom the ages praise,
Slew the Lüs in former days;
Nemesis ne’er turns aside,
Murdered too his family died.

Some of the escort escaped and took the evil tidings to Ts‘ao Ts‘ao. When he heard it he fell to the earth with a great cry. They raised him. With set teeth he muttered, “His men have slain my father: no longer can the same sky cover us. I will sweep Hsüchou off the face of the earth. Only thus can I satisfy my vengeance.”

Leaving one small army to guard the east he set forth with all the remainder to destroy Hsüchou and avenge his father.

Now the Prefect of Kiukiang was a close friend of T‘ao Ch‘ien. Hearing Hsüchou was threatened he set out with half a legion to his friend’s aid. Ts‘ao sent Hsiahou Tun to cut him off while still on the march. At this time Ch‘ên Kung was in office in the east and he was also on friendly terms with T‘ao. Hearing of Ts‘ao’s design to destroy the whole population he came in haste to see his former companion. Ts‘ao knowing his errand put him off at first and would not see him. But he could not forget the kindness he had formerly received and presently the visitor was called to his tent.

Ch‘ên Kung said, “They say you go to avenge your father’s death on Hsüchou, to destroy its people. I have come to say a word. The Prefect is humane and a good man. He is not looking out for his own advantage, careless of the means and of others. Your worthy father met his unhappy death at the hands of Chang K‘ai. T‘ao Ch‘ien is guiltless. Still more innocent are the people and to slay them would be an evil. I pray you to think over it.”

Ts‘ao retorted angrily, “You once abandoned me and now you have the impudence to come to see me! T‘ao Chien slew my whole family and I will tear his heart out in revenge. I swear it. You may speak for your friend and say what you will. I shall be as if I heard not.”

Intercession had failed . He sighed and took his leave. “Alas! I cannot go to T‘ao and look upon his face.” So he rode off to the Ch‘ên-liu district.