Page:Romance of the Three Kingdoms - tr. Brewitt-Taylor - Volume 1.djvu/319

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

So he despatched Sun Ch‘ien into the city to tell its new commander to come out to meet him and provide for their sisters-in-law.

Now, after being separated from his brothers, Chang Fei had gone to the Mangyang Hills, where he had remained a month or so while he sent far and near for tidings of Yüan-tê. Then as he happened to pass Kuch‘êng he had sent in to borrow some grain, but had been refused. In revenge, he had driven away the magistrate and taken possession of the city. He found the place well suited to his needs at the moment.

As directed by Kuan Yü, Sun Ch‘ien entered the city and, after the usual ceremonies, told Chang Fei the news of both his brothers; that Yüan-tê had left Yüan Shao and gone to Junan and that Kuan Yü, with their sisters-in-law, was at his gates. Chang Fei listened without a word till he came to the request to go out to meet him. At that point he called for his armour and, when he had put it on, laid hold of his long spear, mounted and rode out with a large company at his back. Sun Ch‘ien was too astonished to ask what this meant and simply followed.

Kuan Yü was very glad when he saw his brother coming, put up his weapons and, with Chou Ts‘ang at his back, rode toward him at full speed. But as he approached he saw all the signs of fierce anger on his brother’s face and he roared as he shook his spear, threatening his brother.

Kuan Yü was entirely taken aback and called out anxiously, “Brother, what does this mean? Is the Peach Garden Pledge quite forgotton?”

“What impudence is this that you come to see me since your disgraceful behaviour?” shouted Chang.

“What disgraceful behaviour has been mine?” said Kuan Yü.

“You have betrayed your brother, you have surrendered to Ts‘ao Ts‘ao and you have received title and office at his hands. And now you are come to exploit me. One of us shall die.”

Kuan said, “Really you do not understand and it is hard for me to explain. But ask the two ladies here, worthy brother, and they will tell you.”

At this the ladies lifted the curtain of the carriage and called out, “Brother, why is this?”

Fei said, “Wait a while, sisters, and see me slay this traitor. After that I will conduct you into the city.”

Said the Lady Kan, “Since he knew not where you were our brother took shelter with Ts‘ao Ts‘ao. And since he knew that his elder brother was at Junan he has braved every danger to escort us thus far on the road. Pray take a correct view of his conduct.”

The Lady Mi also chimed in, “When your brother went to Hsütu no other course was open to him.”