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fully treated at any of the best hotels. Dessalines possessed an intense dislike for accommodations which were modest and retiring, even although first class; nevertheless, he submitted gracefully to the superior judgment of his agent.

When finally clear of the customs, Rosenthal called a cab, leaving Jules in charge of the luggage. As soon as the door of the vehicle had slammed Dessalines turned eagerly to Rosenthal.

"And now, my dear fellow, the news; I am bursting with curiosity. Tell me of your plans, your preparations; but first of all the situation in Hayti."

"It is necessary that I begin with the incidents connected with the abdication of the President. As you may guess, this movement on his part, although premeditated by him, was brought about sooner than he had wished or anticipated by a discussion which arose as to whether he was entitled to the extra year of office gained by the death of Hippolyte. This right was denied by the adverse party, so the President, foreseeing a revolution, collected, with my assistance, all of the money that he could lay his hands on, and sailed by the steamship Olinde Rodriguez of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique."

"How much money was he able to secure?" asked Dessalines quickly.

"I do not know; but he has intrusted to me half a million of dollars to be spent for your cause, with the promise of more if you need it. For such disbursements as I have made already I will account to you later. But to resume; immediately before his abdication he convened the Chamber to elect a new President. The most