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among other "slops" he had bought the cast-off uniforms of the full choruses of three large burlesque theatrical troups. Rosenthal was a competent man. He continued, talking rapidly: "It will be a thrilling spectacle, my dear Comte, a review of your troops in these uniforms which I have purchased at such a bargain that I am ashamed to tell you what I paid."

Dessalines' eyes brightened; the expression of apathy produced by the mention of the accounts to be audited was gradually effaced.

"You delight me, my dear fellow. I consider it very important, this matter of uniforms. A brave showing is half the battle; I feared that you might be tempted to purchase the dull, shoddy uniforms used by the army of this country."

"Not a bit of it. For your personal staff I have purchased twenty uniforms unsurpassed for style and elegance." He consulted his notebook. "Dolmans of hunter's green trimmed with gold lace; epaulets extra size. Note.—Dolmans to be worn with one or both sleeves loose, as a manteau militaire. Trousers of same material, with broad crimson stripes; gaiters white with buttons of gold."

Dessalines struggled hard to conceal his gratification. "The description is attractive," he observed. "They should be in excellent taste.

"I will not fatigue you now, my dear Comte, with other details regarding uniforms; you shall see for yourself. I think that they will meet with your approval. As regards provisions, munitions, and such details, the data is all awaiting us in my trunk at your hotel."

Again the sable face clouded.