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"Quick, my friend!" exclaimed Dessalines as they started. "I die of curiosity."

"Then let me tell you that the Crête-à-Pierrot is destroyed and Admiral Killik killed."

"It cannot be true!" cried Dessalines.

"There can be no doubt of the accuracy of my information. The facts are these: This absurd Killik, after declaring himself a pirate, soon finds himself in need of supplies. Now it happens that the Provisional Government had shipped by the German steamship Markomannia, arms and ammunition for Nord Alexis at Cape Haitien. This fool Killik, who although denying any authority, had been supporting Firmin, sees fit to declare these munitions contraband of war, and accordingly about the end of last month he meets the German steamer at sea near Cape Haitien and with profuse threats to captain and crew takes possession of the arms and ammunition."

"Mon Dieu!" gasped Dessalines.

Rosenthal continued. "On September 6th the German cruiser Panther entered the harbor of Port au Prince, whence she proceeded .with sealed orders to St. Marc in search of the Crête-à-Pierrot. Thence she went to Gonaïves, where she found her lying in harbor, practically deserted by officers and crew, who were all ashore together indulging in a debauch. The Panther signalled for the Crête to surrender and orders were given to open fire upon the Haytian vessel at the first attempt of anyone on board her to serve a gun. It seems that while the Panther was signalling and was on the point of sending a prize crew to take possession, a small explosion occurred upon the after deck of the Crête. This is sup-