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Dessalines threw his rein to Jules and walked toward the house. As he was about to ascend the steps some jalousies overhead rattled. A soft voice floated down from above:

"Ah, it is you, dear Dessalines! May I come down en negligé? I cannot wait to greet you!"

There was a timbre to her seductive voice; a caressing quality which made Dessalines' heart leap suddenly.

"Madam is too kind—" he began.

"And monsieur too formal, for such a dear friend as I wish him to be." Her voice held a subtle mockery. "At any rate I shall descend in a robe de boudoir. Jules!"


"You will tell Célèstine to prepare some refreshment for monsieur; it is yet two hours before we dine and Monsieur le Comte must be faint. It is a frightful climb up here, and, mon Dieu! Such roads!"

The voice ceased; a bell rang and a maid servant passed swiftly up the stairs. Several minutes elapsed, them Dessalines heard a rustle on the threshold and turned.

"Ah, my dear Dessalines! What pleasure!"

She came toward him, both hands outstretched. She was clad in a silk kimono, a V-shaped opening beneath her white throat; her hair was dressed à la Japonaise, a great smoky cloud beneath which the pale, piquant face shone elfishly, the large multicolored eyes sparkling, audacious, reckless. The filmy wrap enhanced her figure; the sleeves ran back to the shoulder as she stretched both matchlessly molded arms to him, hands wide in greeting.

Dessalines almost recoiled from his rush of emotion;