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generations. How amazing!" burst out the clear, ringing voice. "How appalling! How infinitely, inexcusably stupid that they should be considered for an instant upon the same plane as the white races … should have equal things expected from them … be equally punished when they fail to accomplish these! Think of burning a negro! Why, God bless my soul, it's as bad as burning a dog!"

"But where does the fault lie? In educating them?"

"Ah, no. Education is light, and light is what we all strive for. The system, however, is absurd; cramming their heads with empty words! You see, Giles, the race possesses a retentive memory which is a deceptive quality, as it does not indicate cerebration. A negro may hold a lot of facts, but he cannot combine them for use. His brain does not possess the requisite convolutions. I remember that when I was a child of six years I was taught the Ten Commandments in French. I had not yet learned them in Dutch, my mother tongue. I was made to recite this gibberish; was looked upon as clever, intelligent; was proud of my accomplishment. It took no thought, simply memory. Such a difference!"

"But where is the fault?"

"There is no especial fault; it is unfortunate. The fault was of course in bringing them into the country as slaves. To-day the sentiment is to atone for this, except among a lot of ignorant people who try to deal summarily with delinquencies which arise, and a lot of stupid or malicious people who commend such dealings. The fault is not worth considering; it is done. Spilt milk. The question is the remedy."

"And that——"