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Baby Bullet.

By LLOYD OSBOURNE, Author of "The Motor-maniacs." Illustrated. 12010. Ornamental Cloth, $1.50.

This is the jolliest, most delightfully humorous love story that has been written in the last ten years. Baby Bullet is an "orphan automobile." It is all through the adoption of Baby Bullet by her travelling companion that a dear, sweet, human modern girl meets a very nice young man, and a double romance is begun and finished on an automobiling tour through England.

"The story is smoothly written, full of action and healthful fun."—Philadelphia Public Ledger.

"'Baby Bullet' is without doubt the best written and most entertaining automobile story yet published. The most enjoyable feature of this book is its genuine, unforced humor, which finds expression not only in ludicrous situations, but in bright and spirited dialogue, keen observation and natural characterization."—St. Paul Dispatch.

"Certain stories there are that a man fervently wishes he might claim as his own. Of these, 'Baby Bullet' is one."—Baltimore Sun.

"It is broad comedy, full of adventurous fun, clever and effective. The tale is fascinating from the start. The adventures of Baby Bullet are distinctly funny."—New York Sun.

"The characters are lightly drawn, but with great humor. It is a story that refreshes a tired brain and provokes a light heart."—Chicago Tribune.

"It is a most satisfying and humorous narrative."—Indianapolis News.

"One of the funniest scenes in recent fiction is the escape of the automobile party from the peroxide blonde who has answered their advertisement for a chaperon.'—San Francisco Chronicle.