Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/107

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A. D. 1276. Aftno quarto Edwardi I. Stat. 2. 61 Cotton MS. que blada habuerint in terris ; & cum ita adquifie- rint de omnibus, appreciari faciant catalla & blada, & extendant terram, ficut ftatim vendi poffent, & liberentur villatis [tote villate~ ad refpondend' co- ram jufticiariis; ftmiliter de terra libera, quantum valeat per annum, falvo fervicio dominorum feodi, &teneatur terra in manudomini Regis, quoufque domini feodorum pro eadem finem fecerint [Jatif- fecerint.] Et hiis inquifitis, ftatim fepeliantur cor- pora mortuorum vel occiforum. Similiter inquirendum eft de fubmerfis, vel fubito mortuis, & poftea vidend' eft de talibus corporibus, utrum fie fubmerfi fuerint, vel occifi, vel jugulatij vel per fignum colli funibus ftrangulati, vel per alia membra, vel per lefuram in corpore inventam, fe- cundum hoc procedendo in forma predicla ; Et fi non fuerint occifi, tunc debet coronator attachiare inventorem, & omnes alios de focietate. De the- ' fauro invento debet coronator inquirere, qui fciunt inventorem, & fimiliter qui inde reftati funt, & hoc fcire poteft, fcilicet fi quis fe gefferft vel duxe- rit folito, vel ad tabernam acceflerit, & diucius fie fe habuerit; pro tali fufpicione attachiari debet per iiii vel vi. vel per plures plegios, fi inveniri poffint. Si autem aliquis appellatus fuerit de raptu, appel- latus attachiari debet, fi appellum recens fuerit, & videaut fignum veritatis per manifeftam fanguinis violenciam, vel hutefium levatum ; & talis attachia- ri debet per iiii plegios,. vel per vi. fi invenire pof- fit ; fi autem appellum fuerit fine hutefio, & fine fangume manifefto, tunc fufficiunt plegii duo. De appello verode plagis, & hujufmodi, fi plage fue- rint mortales^ilatim capiantur appellati, & tenean- tur donee fciatur {i poffit' convaiefcere, vel non; kilicet lefus quod fi moriatur, teneantur rei ; fi vero convaluerint, attachientur per quatuor pleg' vel fex, fecundum quod plaga fuerit major vel' minor- Side mahemio fuerit, per plures quam quatuor ; de ftmphci autem vulnere fine mahemio, duo fuf- ficiunt pleg'. Item de omnibus plagis videndum eft, que fit longitudo, latitude, &profunditas, &quibus' armis vulneratus fit lefus ; in quo loco corporis & fi plures culpabilesfint; &, fi pbra fint vulnera, quis qualem plagam fecit; & fie omnia debent ir- rotulan in rotulo coronatoris. Si vero aliquis vel ahqm appellati fuerint, appellatus de fado capiatur, & appe latus deTorcia attachietur, falvo quoufque appellati de fafto convincantur vel deliberentur. De equis, batellis, careers, & molendinis per que ahqui mterficiuntur, que proprie dicuntur bani, areftentur, [appreaentur] & poftea tradantur vil- latis, utfupra. De wrecco maris, ubicunque in- T™ 1' • al, 3 u ' s , manu | apponat, attachietur per bonos plegios &falvos, & predi£tum wreccum a P - preaetur, & l.beretur villatis. Si autem aHauis rettatus fuerit de rnorte aiicujus perfelS, c S £1 r3 lf ° net r r Utf T a> ■ Si '^^erdehomici- dns, burglarns, feu penclitat s, feuoccifis lever,, r c.e.fir E U^ cf a,- J. ,#■, cl t; „t " maH DS JCVied t0r ailMimhers > ^rglaries, and for , I they /hall cattfe all the Land, Com, and Goods to he || Read tlqJbtM valued, in like manner as if they Jhould be fold inconti- CJU f c " ll < he Cl>rn nently, and thereupon they fhall be delivered to the "»' iG '" l '" i f whole Townfhip, which fhall be anfwerable before ltd,', %£ the Juftices for all; (10) and likewife of his Free- tended, fothat hold, how much it is worth yearly over and above they may be fold, the Service due to the Lords of the Fee ; and the &*• Land fhall remain in the King's Hands, until the Lords of the Fee have made Fine for it. (11) And • immediately upon thefe Things being inquired, the Bodies of fuch Perfons being dead or flain fhall be buried. ' II. In like manner it is to be inquired of them Perfon drowned, that be drowned, or fuddenly dead, and after ^y^'orfuddcniydead. Bodies are to be feen, whether they were fo drowned,. 5 ^Vr V" or flain, or ftrangled by the Sign of a Cord tiec VsiZfJc ftreight about their Necks, or about any of their Members, or upon any other Hurt found upon their Bodies, whereupon they fhall proceed in the Form R abovefaid ; • (2) and if they were not flain, then ought f;™' Coro"' IV, the Coroner to attach the Finders, and all other in z6 5 ] 43 6, '446,' the Company. (3) A Coroner alfo ought to inquire TrealWe found. of Treafure that is found, 4- who vjere the Finders, t Read ' who and likewife who is fufpe&ed thereof; and that may .T^'^' 1 ' be well perceived ** where one livcthriotoujly haunting for infiaW, ™1' L averns, and hath done fo of long Time; hereupon Vi aidbehavetb he may be attached for this Sufpicion by four, or hx % <"be.i,fed, do, or more Pledges, if ft he may be found. (4) Fur- or ham!c,h T*-' ther, if any be appealed of Rape, he muft be at- ? V*i &c ; tached, if the Appeal be frefh, and they muft fee re Td ,11 apparent Sign of Truth by Eft'ufion of Blood, or an Appcalo'tRape.- open Cry made; (5) and fuch fhall be attached by XX For 'hey, ■ four, or fix-Pledges, if %% they may be found: (6) lf r " d / f - ■ the Appeal were without Cry, or without any mani- Jl 1 , S ' s ," Z feft |!| (Sign or Token,- two Pledges fhall be diffident. J^Z/buX ' (7) Upon Appeal of Wounds and fuch like, efpe- Appeal of daily if the Wounds be mortal, the Parties appealed Wou nds or fhall be taken immediately and kept until it be known Jf aim - perfedly, v/hether he that is hurt fhall recover, or^ F 45- «, not; (8) and if he die, the W Defendant mall bel«, re ad 0/T" kept; and if 44 he recover Health, * they fhall be at-/fW f «. tatched by four or fix Pledges, after as the Wound 44 Re!(i '/'*-" is great or fmall. (9) If it be for a Maim, he fhall l a " ia ?""• ' find t no lefs than four Pledges ; . if it be for a fmall «! d ,he °^ Wound, % two Pledges fhall fuffice. (io} : Alfo all > For «/«/,/&,./ Wounds ought to be viewed, the Length, Breadth, ^d more than. and Deepnefs, and with what Weapons-, It- and in t Attd ,a "'" 1 """ what Part of the Body the Wound- or- Hurt is, andf^'fri or J - how many be culpable, <(f and how many Wounds therein be, av.d who gave the Wound; ( n ) all which Things «HRead' fl W if mult be inrolled m the Roll' of the Coroners. (12) ' then are many Moreover 4- if any be appealed ** of any /!.£} done as ffr <"" ,d *< ""ho Principal, they that be appealed of the Force frail be at- £ T c ^ f T" tached alfo and furely kept in Ward, until *ep r tS&^ ft Principals be attainted or delivered. (13) Con- Acceffa^. cerning Horfes, Boats, Carts, %X &c. whereby anv 4- R «d if »»»■• are flam, that properly are called Deodands, they fhall '"' mre > &c - be valued and delivered unto the Towns as before is w^klft^ (auL (14) Concerning Wreck of the Sea, wherefoe- SeT! JfafL ver it be found, if any lay Hands on it, he fhall be 32 Am. fiat. 2. attached by fufficient Pledges, and the Price of the c - ^-firfre.- Wreck fhall be valued and delivered to the Towris ■ fc '" l "" s 5i '^ 5 anl ' (15) If any be fufpefted of the Death of any Mam |7 A '"' M ' being m danger of Life^ he fhall be taken and impri- s„La e d Per- loned, as before is faid. (16) In like manner Huy fons - fhall be levied for all Murthers, Burglaries, and for Hu >" * ni Cr V-- vh.eb cora -am farther Relation reffea h:g Co-. o,.en. 13. 25 Ceo. 29J ■lies appealed if the faa. Xtif-AAMiUs, gfei ' Men. '