Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/136

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go Stat. i. Anno decimo tertio Edward i I. A. D. 1285. •13 Ed I. c, 4, ftat, ' Juftices in their Circuits mall appoint a Time of fif- ' teen Days, or, a Month, or a Time more or lefs (af- ' ter as the County fhall happen to be more or lefs) ' within which Time it fhall be openly proclaimed,

  • that all fuch as will deliver their Writs, fhall deliver

' them before the fame Time; (3) and when the Time

  • cometh, the Sheriff fhall certine the Chief Juftice in

1 Eyre how many Writs he hath, and what, and that no ' Writ be received after the fame Time ; (4) and if it

  • be received, the Procefs ifluing thereupon fhall be of

' none Effect ; but only that a Writ abated any Time

  • during the Circuit may be amended; (;) alfo Writs

6 of Dower of Men that died within the Summons of ' the Circuit, Affiles of Darrain prefentment, Shtare

  • impedit, of Churches vacant within the forefaid Sum-
  • mons, fhall be received at any Time before the De-

' parture of the Juftices ; (6) alfo Writs of Novel dif- 4 feijin, at what Time foever the DifTeifin was done, fhall be received in the Circuit of 'Juftices. (7) Our Lord the King of his fpecial Grace granteth, That fuch as have Land in divers Shires where the Juftices make their Circuit, and that have Land in Shires ' where the Juftices have no Circuit, that fear to be s impleaded, and are impleaded of other Lands in c Shires where they have no Circuit, as before the Ju-

  • ftices at IVcfiminfter, or in the King's Bench, or be-

' fore Juftices affigned to take Affifes, or in any Coun-

  • ty before Sheriffs, or in any Court Baron, may make
  • a general Attorney to fue for them in all Pleas in the

' Circuit of Juftices moved or to be moved for them, 4 or againft them, during the Circuit ; (8) which At- ' torney or Attorneys fhall have full Power in all Pleas ' moved during the Circuit, until the Plea be deter- 4 mined, or that his Mafter remove him; (9) yet fhall ' they not be excufed thereby, but they fhall be put in 1 r .2. . ' Juries and Affifes before the fame Juftices.' See farther con- J J cernir.g Power of makirg Attorney, 7 R. 2. c. 14. 15 H. 6. e. 7.

  • Thisfeems to be a miflaken Reference,, then being no fuch Tear of the King.

Any Perfonmay make a general Attorney. ' c Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. tuant terminum quindecim dierum vel menfis mi- noris vel majoris termini fecundum quod comitatus fuerit major vel minor infra quern terminum publice proclameturquodomnesquibrevialiberarevoluerint ea liberent citra ilium terminum & in adventu illius termini certificet vicecomes capitalem Juftitiarium itineris quot brevia habet & que & quod ultra il- ium terminum nullum breve recipiatur quod ft re- ceptum fuerit proceflus per illud factus pro nullo habeatur excepto quod breve cafTalum durante toto itinere relevari poterit brevia etiam de Dote de viris qui obierint infra fummonitionem itineris affife Ul- time prefentationis Quare impedit de ecclefiis va- cantibus infra fummonitionem prediftam quocum- que tempore ante receffum juftitiariorum brevia etiam Nove diffeiiine quocumque tempore facta fuerit difTeifina recipiantur. In itineribus Juftitia- riorum concedit Dominus Rex de gratia fpecial i quod ill I qui tenementa habent in diverfis comita- tibus in quibus Juftic' itinerant vel de quibufdam tenementis in comitatu in quo Juftitiarii itinerant timent implacitari & de aliis tenementis in comitatu in quo Juftitiarii non itinerant implacitantur coram Juftitiariis apud Weftm' vel in Banco Domini Re- gis vel coram Juftitiariis ad affifas capiendas affig- natis vel in aliquo comitatu coram vie' vel inaliqua curia Baronum facere poffint attornatum genera- lem ad fequendum pro eis in omnibus placitis in itinere Juftitiariorum proipfis vel contra ipfos mo- ds vel movendis durante itinere qui quidem attor- natus vel attornati habeant poteftatem in placitis mods in itinere quoufque placitum terminetur vel dominus fuus ipfum amoverit nee per hoc excu- fentur fi fuerint in juratis vel aflifis coram eifdem Juftitiariis. CAP. XI. The Matters Remedy againft their Servants, and other Accomptants. In what Cafes Auditors may comn-iit Ac- cemptants to Prifon. Co. Lit. 295. a. 2 Inft. 378. Fiti. Accompt, 96, 109. Filz. Avowry, 220. Regift. 137. Raft. 1+, &c. The Accompt- ant'a Relief. Fitz. Accompt, 23, 26, 47, 74j 106. 52 H. 3. c. 23. 19 Ed. 3. f. 5. Concerning Servants, Bailliffs, Chamberlains, and all Manner of Receivers, which are bound to yield Accompt, it is agreed and ordained, That when the Mafters of fuch Servants do affign Auditors to take their Accompt, and they be found in Arrear- ' ages upon the Accompt, all Things allowed which ought to be allowed, their Bodies fhall be arrefted, 1 and by the Teftimony of the Auditors of the fame

Accompt, fnall be fent or delivered unto the next
Gaol of the King's in thofe Parts ; (z) and fhall be

1 received of the Sheriff or Gaoler, and imprifoned in

Iron under fafe Cuftody, and fhall remain in the

'• fame Prifon at their own Coft, until they have fatif- fied their Mafter fully of the Arrearages. (3) Ne-

verthdefs if any Perfon being fo committed to Prifon,

1 do complain, that the Auditors of his Accompt have 1 grieved him unjuftly, charging him with Receipts

that he hath not received, or not allowing him Lx-
pences, or reafonable Difburfemcnts, and can find
Friends that v/ill undertake to bring him before the

1 Barons of the Exchequer, he fhall be delivered unto ' them ; (4) and the Sheriff (in whofe Prifon he is ' kept) fhall give Knowledge unto his Mafter, that he 1 appear before the Barons of. the Exchequer at a cer-

  • tain Day, with the Rolls and Tallies by which he

E fervientibus ballivis camerariis & quibufcum- que receptoribus qui ad compotum redden- dum tenentur concorditer eft ftatutum & ordina- tum quod cum dominus hujufmodi fervientium de- derit eis auditores compoti & contingat ipfos efle in arreragiis fuper compotum fuum areftentur cor- pora ipforum et perteftimonium auditorumejufdem compoti mittantur et liberentur proxime gaole do-> mini Regis in partibus illis & a vicecomite feu cu- ftode ejufdem gaole recipiantur & mancipentur carceri in ferris fub bona'cuftodia & in ilia prifona remaneant de fuo proprio viventes quoufque domi- nis fuis de arreragiis plenarie fatisfecerint. Atta- men fi quis fie gaole liberatus conqueratur quod au- ditores compoti ipfum injuftegravaveruntonerando de receptis que non recepit vel non allocando ex- penfas aut liberationes rationabiles & inveniat ami- cos qui cum manucapere voluerint ad ducendum coram baronibus de fcaccario liberetur eis & fcire faciat vicecomes in cujus prifona fuerit domino quod fit coram Baronibus de Scaccario ad aliquem 3 certiiQi