Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/314

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268 Stat. 5. Anno viceflmo quinto Edward 1 III. A. D. 1350. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. noftri Anglie ad dictum parliamentum fummonitos edita tibi mittimus fub pede figilli noftri mandantes quod ftatuta predi&a in plenq comitatu tuo legi et ea flrmiter obfervari et teneri facias. T. R, apud Weftm' vi. die Mart. . . . Confim'dia brevla dlr'iguntur Jinguhs vicecomihbus per Angliam Jub eadem data. Confimile breve dirigitur Jujlic' Hibern' mutatis mutandis fub eadem data. Confimilia brevia diriguntur fubfcriptis fub eadem data videlicet JVillielmo de Share/hull & foci is fuis ju/litiariis ad placita coram rege tenenda affignatis. Johanni de Stonore & fociis fuis jujiiciariis de communi banco. Tbefaurario & baronibus de fcaccario. A Statute of Prcvifors of Benefices, made Anno 25 Edvv. III. Stat. 6. W Anno Dom. £ 35°«  The King and other Lords fhall prefent unto Benefices of their own, or their Anceftors Foun- dation, and not the Bifhop of Rome. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. i^. 3 Inft. 127. a Roll 459. Raft. 2. Stat. Carliile, 35 Ed. 1, c. 4. ka. 3. The Caufes why the Kings and Noblemen of the Realm did gire Lands to Biihops and s'.her Prelates. The Pope le- ftowed Ipiritual Livings upon Aliens not dwelling in England. The Inconve- r.iencics eniuing IJoeiean, HEREAS late in the Parliament of good Memory of Edward King of England, Grandfather to our Lord the King that now is, the * xxv Year of his Reign, holden at Car- lifle, the Petition heard, put before the faid Grand- father and his Council in his faid Parliament by the Commonalty of the faid Realm, containing, That whereas the holy Church of England was founded in the Eftate of Prelacy, within the Realm of Eng- land, by the faid Grandfather and his Progenitors, and the Earls, Barons and other Nobles of his faid Realm, and their Anceftors, to inform them and the People of the Law of God, and to make Hofpita- lities, Alms, and other Works of Charity, in the Places where the Churches were founded, for the Souls of the Founders, their Heirs, and all Chri- ftians ; (z) and certain PofTeflions, as well in Fees, Lands, Rents, as in Advowfons, which do extend to a great Value, were affigned by the faid Founders to the Prelates and other People of the holy Church of the faid Realm, to fuftain the fame Charge, and efpecially of the Poffeffions which were affigned to Archbifhops, Bifhops, Abbots, Priors, Religious,

and all other People of holy Church, by the Kings

• of the faid Realm, Earls, Barons, and other great ' Men of his Realm ; (3) the fame Kings, Earls, 1 Barons and other Nobles, as Lords and Advowees, '• have had and ought to have the Cuftody of fuch ' Voidances, and the Prefentments and the Collations ' of the Benefices being of fuch Prelacies. " II. And the faid Kings in Times paft were wont ' to have the greateft Part of their Council, for the ' Safeguard of the Realm when they had Need, of ' fuch Prelates and Clerks fo advanced ; (z) the ' Bifhop of Rome, accroching to him the Seigniories ' of fuch Poffeffions and Benefices doth give and grant ' the fame Benefices to Aliens, which did never dwell ' in England, and to Cardinals, which might not ' dwell here, and to other as well Aliens as Denizens, ' as if he had been Patron or Advowee of the faid Dig- ' nities and Benefices, as he was not of Right by the ' Law of England; "whereby if they fhould be fuf- ' fered, there fhould fcarcely be any Benefice within ' a fhort Time in the faid Realm, but that it fhould ' be in the Hands of Aliens and Denizens by virtue of ' fuch Provifions, againft the good Will and Difpofi- ' tion of the Founders of the fame Benefices ; (3) and ' fo the Elections of Archbifhops, Bifhops, and other '■* Religious fhould fail, and the Alms, Hofpitalities,

  • and other Works of Charity, which fhould be done

• Read 35«i, COME jadis en le parlement de bone memoire Sire Edward Roi dEngleterre Ael noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft Ian de fon regne trentifme quint a Kardoil tenuz oie la petition mife devant le dit Ael & fon confeil en le dit parlement par la communalte de fon Roialme contenant qc come feinte eglife dEngleterre foit founde en eftat de prelacie deins le Roialme dEngleterre par le dit Ael & fes Progenitours & Countes Barons & No- bles de fon Roialme & lour anceftres pur eux & le poeple enfourmer de la lei Dieu & pur faire hofpi- talites aumoignes & autres oevres de charite es lieux ou les eglifes feurent foundes pur les almes de foundours & de lour heirs & de touz Criftiens & certeins poffeffions tant en feez terres & rentes come en-avowefons qe fe extendent a grande value par les ditz foundours feurent affignez as Prelatz & autres gentz de feinte eglife du dit Roialme pur cele charge fuftenir & nomement des poffeffions qe feurent affignez as Ercevefqes Evefqes Abbes Pri- ours Religious & autres gentz de feinte eglife par les Rois du dit Roialme Countes Barons & autres Nobles de fon Roialme meifmes les Rois Countes Barons & Nobles come Seignurs & avowes euflent & aver deuffent la garde de tieles voidances & les prefentementz & collations des benefices eileanta des tieles prelacies. Et les ditz rois en temps paffe foloientaver la greindre partie de lour confeils pur la falvation du roialme quant ils en eurent mefter de dels prelatz & clercs iffint avances Le Pape de Rome acrochant a lui la Seignurie de tieles poffeffions & benefices meifmes les benefices dona & graunta as aliens qi unqes ne demurerent el roialme dEngleterre & as Cardinalx qe y demurer ne purroient & as autres tant aliens come denzeins autrefi come il euft efte patron en avowe des dites,dignites & benefices come il ne feuft de droit felonc la lei dEngleterre par les queux fils feuffent foeffertz a peine demurroit af- cun benefice en poi de temps' el dit roialme qil ne ferroit es meins daliens & denzeins par vertue de tieles provifions contre la bone volume &c difpofi- tion des foundours de meifmes les benefices Si iffint les elections des Ercevefqes Evefches & autres re- ligious faudroient & les almoignes hofpitalites & autres oevres de charite qe ferroient faitz as ditz lieux ferroient fuftretes le dit Ael & autres lais pa- trons