Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/574

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'522 C. 12. Anno declmo Ann ^ Reginse; A. 0.1711* ' Difcretiori feem fiifficient for the Compleatuig of any the faid Parochial Churches that might happen to ■ ■' remain unfiniftied, fo as the fame did not in any one Year exceed one fifth part of the fame duty : And

■ ""S W. 3, c, 14. ■ ' whereas by one other Aft made in the eighth Year of the R.cign of the late King V/illi am the Third,

'a Duty or Impofition of Twelve Pence for every Chalder or Tun of Coals imported or brought in, as ' aforefaid, fromand after the nine and twentieth Day of September one thouiand fsven hundred, and be- ' ' fore the nine and twentieth Day of ^f/i'wiii'r one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, was granted, and ' Power given thereby to the faid Lord Archbifliop of Canterbury, Lord Biftiop of London, and Lord Mayqr 'of London, for the time being, or any two of them, to appropriate the Money to be thereby raifed for the ' Purpofes in the faid Act of the firll Year of the faid late King James mentioned, e^'cept as in and by ' the faid late recited Ail is otherwife particularly directed and appointed: And whereas alfo the Parim ' Church of St. Mary Woblnoth was, for the Conveniency of the Inhabitants there, only repaired, and not ' rebuilt, as by the faid Adi was direfted, and the old Walls, Eaft, Weft, and South, and the Roof thereof, ' together with the Tower or Steeple, are nov/ become ib ruinous, that there is a Neceffity of Rebuilding ~:TheArchbi(li.op ' and Finifhing the fame;' Be it therefore enavted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fiiall and may be . of Canterbury, Ijwi'ul to and for the faid Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, Lord Bifliop of London, and Lord Mayor of Lon- .•&c. may appro- ^^,^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^p (hgm, to appropriate, by Warrants under their Hands and Seals, out of the Surplus of . vut'of the S'ar- the Monies arifingby the faid Duties and Impofitions of twelve Pence pi?r Chalder, or twelve Pence />i;r Tun . plus Mon=y ari. on Coals, applicable for the Purpofes in the faid Aft of the firft Year of the late King James the ■ ,fing by the Duly Second, after the faid Cathedral Church fhall be finlflied and adorned, and other Charges upon the faid Du- , of 12 d. per ties difcharged. To much Money as fliidl be fufficient for the Rebuilding and Finiftiing of the faid Pari fh Coais°"s°hall Cxrch oix.. Mary Woohioth, and the Tower thereof, as fhall be necefiary ; any thing herein, or-jnthefaid 1' be fufficient' to rccited Acts, Contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding.

build the Church PVide 1 Geo. 1-. Stat. 2. cap. 23. 4 Geo, i. c. 14. & 5 Geo. i. e.g.]

, of St. Mavy ■- ■ 1 j -r r j ^ -1 iWoohiolh. Sec further c<aarmng.Duly,(Sj coil Ceh, 12 .iinn. Pat. z. c. g, ^ Cm, 1. c, C), and ig, 6 Geo. i. c. 4. 13 Cot. i. c, ii, a2Geo. 4. c. 37, C A P. XII. .'An A£l to reRore the Patrons to their ancient Rights of prefenting Minifters to the Churches vacant in that Pare of Greal Britain called Scotland. 'HERE AS by the antient Laws and Conftitutions of that Part of GjYffr Brkmn called Scotland, the Prefenting of Minifters to vacant Churches did of Right belong to the Patrons, until by the

  • twenty third A£t of the fecond Seffion of the firft Parliament of the late King William and Qiieen

■ ' Mary, held in the Year one thoufand fix hundred and ninety, intituled, y//? concerning Patro?u/ge5,

  • the Prefentation was taken from the Patrons, and given to the Fleretors and Elders of the refpeftive Pa-

•* rifties; and in Place of the Right ef Prefentation, the Heretors and Life Renters of every Parifli were to pay to the refpe<9:ive Patrons a fmall and inconfiderable Sum of Money, for which the Patrons were ' to renounce their Right of Prefentation in all Times thereafter : And whereas by the fifteenth Aft of "* the fifth Seffion, and by the thirteenth Aft of the fixth Seffion of the firft Parliament of the faid King "* William, the one intituled, y//z ASl for Encouraging of Preachers at Vacant Churches be-north Forth,

  • and the other intituled, ASi in Favours of Preachers be-north Forth; there are feveral Burthens impofed

■* upon •vacant Stipends, to the Prejudice of the Patrons Right of difpofing thereof : And whereas that

  • Way of calling Minifters has proved inconvenient, and has not only occafioned great Heats and Divifions

' among thofe who by the aforefaid Aft were entitled and authorized to call Minifters, but likewife has ' been a great Hardftiip upon the Patrons, whofe Predeceflbrs had founded and endowed thofe Churches, ' and who have not receive'd Payment or Satisfaftion for their Right of P.:tronage from the aforefaid He- ■'The recited Aft * retors or Life Renters of the refpeftive Pariflies, nor have granted Renunciations of their faid Rights on -.-concerning Pa- ' that Account ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice tron isss, fo far and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and T^tiiporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiemblcd, .■.as-it relates to apfj jjy (jje Authority of the fame. That the aforefaid Aft made in the Year one thoufand fix hundred and Ii'eret"'^^s"°&c ninety, intituled, AB cancernitig Patronages, in fo far as the lame relates to the Prefentation of Minifters by made void. ' Heretors and Others therein mentioned, be and is hereby repealed and mads void; and that the aforefaid "Th<: other re- fifteenth Aft of the fifth Seflion, and thirteenth Aft of the fixth Seffion, of the fiift Parliament of King ■ cited Adis re- WiLLiAM, be and are hereby likcv/ifa repealed and made void ; and that in all Tinre coming, the Rig'it of

P'^-'^" all and every Patron or Patrons to the Prefentation of Minifters to Churches and Benefices, and the Difpo-

("patior.s re-'^ ^'"S o*^ t° vacaiit Stipends for pious Ufes v.'ithin the Pariui, be rettored, fettled, and confirmed to them, silored. " tlis afotefaid Afts, or any other Aft, Statute, or Cuftom to the contrary in any wife notvvithftanding ; and .After I May, that from and aftpr theiirft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, it fxiall and may be lavv- 1712. the fal for her Majc-ftv, her Heirs and Succe'lbrs, and for every other Per fon or Perfons, who have Right to Crown, and any Patronage or Patronages of any Church or Churches whatfoever, in that Part of Great Britain called hav"i<.iht to Scotland, (and who have not made and fubfcribcd a formal Renunciation thereof under their Hands) to pre- Patroii-ise?, may fcnt a qualified Minifter or Minifters to any Church or Churches whereof they are Patrons, which fhall, prefen: qualified after the faid firft Day of Aday, happen to be vacant; and the Prefbytery oi the refpeftive Bounds fhall and Miniflcrs, and J^ hereby obliged to j eceive and admit in the fame Manner fuch qualified Perfon or Perfons, Minifter or Mi- ihe Prefbytcries j.jj|^gj.g^ ^^ {^^ j^g prefeiited by the refpeftive Patrons, as the Perfons or Minifters prefented before the j],j^_ ^ making of this Aft ought to have been admitted. .. II. Provided always, That in cafe any Patron or Patrons have accepted of, and received any Sum or Sums ihMtlJuof' °^ Money from the Heretors or Life Renters of any Parifh, or from the Magiftrates or Town Council of jjref^n-jtion to ^ny Borough, in Satisfaftion of their Right of Prefentation, and have difcharged or renounced the fame '■ 4. under