Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/550

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K 504 C. 1— 3; A.D. 1724. Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 Regis Magnas Britannia?, Francis & Hibernias, undecimo. 1

  • AT the Parliament begun and holden at Weftminjler the ninth Day of Oclober, Anna Domini one
  • f_ thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, in the ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord

' GEORGE, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, ' &c. And from thence continued by feveral Prorogations to the twelfth Day of November one thoufand

  • feven hundred and twenty-four j being the third Seffion of this prefent Parliament.'

CAP. I. An Act for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land-Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five. EXP. zs. in the Pound. For the Application of the Surplus arifing from this Aft, fee n Geo. 1. c. 8. feet. 16. CAP. II. An Aft for indemnifying the Matters in Chancery, upon their difcovering what Confederation, 1 Price or Gratuity they paid or agreed to pay for the Purchafe of, or for their Admiffion to their refpeclive Offices. W H E R E A S there is good Ground and Reafon to believe, that great Sums of Money have of late Years been paid for the Purchafe of the Offices of the Mafters of the Court of Chancery ; and whereas it may be difficult to obtain proper Evidence of the Buying and Selling of the faid Offices, 5 & 6 Ed. 6. ' by reafon of the Act of Parliament made in the fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of King Edward the c> l6, ' Sixth, againft the- Buying and Selling of Offices, whereby the Sale of any of the Offices therein menti- ' oned is made and enadled to be a Forfeiture of fuch Office, and the Buyer thereof is difabled to have, ' occupy or enjoy the fame:' To the End therefore that it may be difcovered, whether any, and which of the prefent Mafters of the Court of Chancery hath or have obtained his or their faid Office or Offices by Purchafe, Fee, Money or other Gratuity, and of whom, and for what Sum or Sums of Money re- fpectively ; Be it enacted, tgc. EXP. cap. in. An Act to enable the Pier- Wardens of the Town of Margat, in the County of Kent, more effectually to recover the ancient and accuftomary Droits, for the Support and Maintenance of the faid Pier. ' k WT HEREA S the ancirnt Town of Margat, in the County of Kent, hath Time out of Mind VV , na 4 a Pier and Harbour, very commodious and of great Benefit and Advantage to the Trade ' and Navigation of this Kingdom, in the Prefervation of Ships and Mariners in Storms and Strefs of

  • Weather, and from Enemies in Times of War, and alfo very convenient for the exporting and impor-
  • ting many Sorts of Commodities: And whereas (the Safety of the faid Town of Margat and of all the
  • neighbouring Country depending upon the Prefervation of the faid Pier and Harbour) there hath,
  • for and towards the Maintenance and Perfervation thereof, been Time immemorial paid to the

' Pier-Wardens, or their Deputies for the Time being, certain Droits, commonly called Poundage and ' Laftage, and other Rates or Duties (which have been confirmed by the Orders and Decrees of the Lords ' Wardens of the Cinque Ports) and without the due Payment thereof the faid Pier and Harbour muft in- ' evitably fall to Decay, to the utter Ruin of the Inhabitants of the faid Town and of all the neighbour- ' ing Country, and to the great Prejudice of the Trade and Navigation of this Kingdom. And whereas ' it is neceflary to make more effectual Provifion, as well for Recovery of the faid Droits and Rates or ' Duties aforefaid, and for enforcing due Payment thereof, in cafe of Refufal or Non-payment, as alfo

  • for better fecuring the faid Pier and Harbour :' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty,

That it may be enacted, fcfr. P R. (C The ancient Droits for Maintenance of Margat Pier continued. Pier-Wardens to chufe Collectors Pier-Wardens yearly to audit Collectors Accounts. Warden of the Cinque Ports, &c. may be pre. fent at the Audit. Pier-Wardens, isfc. guilty of Embezilment, may be complained of in the Admi- ralty of the Cinque Ports. The Judge of that Court may examine the Matter of the Complaint, and award treble the Sum embezilled, &c. Pier-Wardens, &c. may enter into any Veffel to demancs the Duty. Pier- Wardens may fummon Mafters of Ships to be examined. Penalty on Mafters not ap-i pearing, &c. 10 1. The Money collected to be laid out for Support of Margat Pier. Pier- Warden! to prevent Annoyances in the Harbour." CAP