Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/739

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A. D. 1729. Anno fecundo Georgii IT. C. 26. 701 the Sum of ten Shillings, to be levied, recovered, paid and applied to and for fuch Ufes and Purpofes, Penalty ro; on and in fuch Manner as any other Penalty or Forfeiture in and by this Act is to be levied, recovered and'-'-* 1 applied. ' III. And whereas, purfuant to the Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, the Rulers, Auditors and AfTift- ' ants of the Society and Company of Watermen, Wherrymen and Lightermen, upon the (aid River, be- ' tween Gravefend- and Wind/or aforefaid, have, for the better and more effectual keeping and maintaining ' good Order and Obedience amongft the faid Society and Company, made and ordained leveral good Rules, ' Orders and Conftitutions, with reafonable Penalties for Breach thereof, which being approved by the ' Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London for the Time being, and afterwards confirmed ' by the Lord Chi-jf Juftice of the Court of King's Bench for the Time being, are and ought to be obferved ' and put in Execution, but the fame are in a great Meafure ineffectual for want of fufricient Diftrefs to ' anfwer the ibid Penalties, by Means whereof the moft notorious Offenders often efcape unpunifhed, and ' the Offences are repeated to the great Injury of his Majefty's Subjects:' For Remedy whereof be it en- eacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes where fufficient Diftrefs cannot be found to pay and f:i- where nrrDi- tisfy the Penalties inflicted, or to be inflicted, by any fuch Rules, Orders or Conftitutioiis, fo made or to ' be made, approved and confirmed as aforefaid, Oath being made of fuch want of Diftrefs before the Lord , . t r " :ni ^ r ' Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, or before any Juflice of the Peace for the County, City or Place . cor-* where the Offender fhall be found, it fhall be lawful to and for fuch Lord Mayor or Juftice of the Peace, ration, and they are hereby required to commit fuch Offender to the publick Workhoufe or Houfe of Correction, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, and be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month, nor lefs than fourteen Days, fuch Offender being convicted according to this Act or the A£t made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An ASlfor the Ex- n & s*W. ?. plantation and better Execution of former A£ls ?nade touching Watermen and Wherrymen rowing on the River cf c -2i. Thames, and for the better ordering and governing the faid Watermen, Wherrymen and Lightermen upon the faid River, between Gravefehd and Windfor. IV. And be it further enaited by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, not havin^ N one t, u t Free- ferved for the Space of feven Years to any Waterman, Wherryman or Lighterman (except Trinitymen, men ro work any Filhermen, Ballaftmen and Perfons employed in rowing or any ways navigating weftern Barges, Mill Boats, Soat > &c - on Chalk Hoys, Faggot and Wood Lighters, Dung Boats- and Gardeners Boats, in fuch Manner as has been Penalt y° f Io] - accuftomed, and is allowed and referved by the faid Act made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of King (^ tce Pl I0, J.' , William the Third) (hall row or caufe to be rowed or worked any Boat, Wherry, Lighter or other Vef- amende'/by 4" fel or Craft upon the faid River, for Hire or Gain, between the Limits aforefaid, at any Time or Times Geo. 2, c 2+'.') hereafter, that then and in fuch Cafe, every fuch Offender, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereaf- ter, being thereof convicted in fuch Manner as aforefaid, fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, to be levied and recovered in Manner aforefaid; and for or lmprifor.» - v/ant of fufficient Diftrefs it fhall be lawful to and for the Lord Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, ment - or any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the County, City or Place where the Offence fhall be committed, and he and they are hereby required by Warrantor Warrants, under his or their Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals, to commit fuch Offender to the next common or publick Workhoufe or Houfe of Correction, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, for any Time not exceeding one Month, nor lefs than fourteen Days. ' V. And whereas by Experience the prefent Number of Affiftants of the faid Company are fo numerous,

  • as at their Meetings, inftead of doing Bufinefs, to occafion Confufion and Difturbance,' Be it declared and

enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Number of Affiftants of the faid Company, at their future The Number of- Ele<£tions fhall be reduced to thirty, but each of them the faid Affiftants to be elected, named and appointed, Affi{tints t0 be as heretofore they have been ufed feverally to be. f. reduced to th.rty.. VI. Provided always, That this Act, or, any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend, or be conftrued This AS not to to extend to the leffening, taking away, abridging, hindring, prejudicing, or otherwife impeaching of any prejudice the E.ight belonging to or lawfully claimed by the late Charles Duke of Richmond and Lenox, Lord of the Manor cf Lord of tlle Gravefend, his Heirs, Execntorsj Administrators or Affigns, for the holding a certain Court within the faid G 3 a n , or r of d Manor, called Curia Curfus Aqute, or the Court of the Watercourfe, for the better Government of Barges, rave en " Boats and Veffels, ufing the Ferry or Paffage from the Town of Gravefend to London, and of the Perfons owning or working the fame, or of any other Rights, Liberties, Powers and Privileges whatfoever belong- ing to the faid late Duke, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Affigns, relating to the faid Ferry or Paffage, or to the Barges, Tiltboats or other Boats and Veffels ufing the faid Ferry or Paffage, or plying at the Bridge of the faid Town of Gravefend, or the Perfons owning or working the fame or otherwife howfoever. _ . VII. Provided always. That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend or be conftrued NortheV.Uager:, to extend, to the leffening, takingjaway, hindring, prejudicing or impeaching of any Grants, Liberties, and-Pari&es o£ Franchifes, Cuftoms, Privileges or Ufages, now or heretofore lawfully ufed, held or enjoyed by the Mayor, !?" vel " em! aad Jurats and Capital Inhabitants of the Villages and Pariflies of Gravefend and Milton in the County of Kent, 1 ' ton " touching, concerning or relating to the Paffage and Ferry upon the faid River of Thames, from-the faid Vil- lages and Parifnes of Gravefend and Milton to the faid City of London, or touching or concerning the Go- vernment or Gubernatio'n of the faid Paffage and Ferry, but that the faid Mayor, Jurats and Inhabitants, and their Succeffors, fhall and may do and execute all and every fuch lawful Act and Acts, Powers and Authorities touching the faid Paffage and Ferry, and the Government thereof, as they might or could have done, if this Act had not been made ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife : notwithftanding. ~^_^ VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby declared^ Tha-t it J[haJ]_and may be lawful to and for the Lef- Owners -ofKeya-, fees, Owners ox Occupiers of any Key or Keys betwixt the Hermitage Bridge and London Bridge, or any oetv " xC Hermi- ' jji a ^ o tage Budge. auiL OA-