Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/242

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2o8 C. 19. Anno tricefimo primo Georgii 11. A. D. 1757. Accounts, after Aifufl and fcparatc Sets of Books to be kept for each Diftricl for that Purpofe ; one Set whereof fhall be they arc paiTcd, j^gp(- by the Treafurer or Trcafurers, or inch other Perfon or Perfons for each Diftrift refpccflively, as the tobier-.te^dxn ^^jj Cotrj^iffjoners, or any five or more of them, {hall appoint j and the other Set thereof for the firft Di- ^^' ^ ' ftricl, fhall be depofited in the Parifh Church of Chatteris aforefaid ; and the other Set thereof for the faid fecond Dillrict, in the Parifh Church of Doddington aforefaid, or in fuch other convenient Places as the faid CommifTioners, or any five or more of them, (hall think fit; and the Books fo depofited (hall and may be infpected and perufed at any Time, at reafonable Times, by or at the Requcft of any Perfon or Perfons rated or taxed in puriuance of this Act, on paying fix Pence for the fame. Proeefdings of XXIX. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That Commiiiioneis all Orders and Proceedings of the faid Commiflioners, or any of them, at their Meetings, fliall be entered •° B^ '^1?!"'^'^'^ '" dillinct and feparate Books to be provided for that Purpofe, for the refpective Diftrict to which fuch Or- and finned ders and Proceedings fhall relate; and <uch Orders and Proceedings fo entered (hall be figned by five or more of the faid Commiilloners alTembled at fuch Meetings; and, being fo figned, fhall be deemed and and may be pro- taken to be Originals ; and all fuch Books, and alfo th'e Books hereby directed to be kept for regiflering the "n Evidenc"'^*'* Securities, Alignments and Transfers, fhall and may be read in Evidence in all Cafes of Suits or Actions, touching any thing done in relation to, or in purfuance of, this Act. Tsnalty of cut- XXX. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall tin^ Turf uuh- j.^. ^j. jjg ^^^ Turf, Hods or CefTcs in the faid Fen, called Turf-Fen, within the Diftance of ninety Feet l)i!?an"eofthe ^om any Bank which may be made by virtue of this Act, froni IVimblington Learn acrofs fuch Fen, to the Binksj Isid Low Lands belonging to Sir Thomas Peyton, every Perfon fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, for- and of making felt the Sum of five Pounds; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall make, or caufe to be made, any Watering or continuing Place, or any Place of Accefs for Cattle to drink, in any Mill Drain, within any of the faid Fen Lands, "5 ^T'„°pi Low Grounds or Commons hereby intended to be drained and preferved, every Perfon fo offending fhall for^Cattle- ^"^ forfeit, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of five Pounds ; And if any Perfon or Perfons fliall make or caufe and of making to be made, any Sock-dike or Sock-gripple on any of the faid Fen Lands, Low Grounds or Commons, any Scck-dyke, within the Diflancc of ninety Feet from any Bank now made, or hereafter to be made, within either of the Ac. near the fajj] Diffricts, every fuch Perfon fo oflxnding fliall forfeit, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of four Pence Banks; ^^j. gyg^y Yoot Length of fuch Sock-dike or Sock-gripple, and the like Sum for every Month during the f.iid Penal- which the fame fhall be continued; ail which Forfeitures fhall, upon Coiwiction of the Oifend r or Or- rics hovv to be fenders before any one or more Juftice or Juflices of the Peace for the Ifle of Ely, upon the Oath of one tfcover. . ^^ more credible Witnefs or Witnefies (which Oath fuch Juflice or Juflices is and are hereby impowered and required to adminifi:er) be immediately paid into the Hands of the Treafurer for the Diftrict wherein, or in relation u^hereto, fuch Offence was committed, to be applied for the Improvement of the Works in fuch Diftrict ; and, in cafe of Nonpayment, fucli Forfeiture fhall be levied by Diflrefs and Sale of the Of- • fender's Goods and Chatties, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals, of the Juftice or Juftices of the Peace before whom fuch Conviction fhall be made; and for want of fufHcient Diftrefs, fuch Offender fhall, by fuch Juftice or Juiliccs, be committed to the Houfe of Correction for the faid Ifle, there to be kept to hard Labour for fuch Time as fuch Juftice or Juftices fhall order and direct, not exceeding three Months. Tunnel to be XXXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Commiffioners, any five w^ "m'*^^! ^"^ more of them, fliall, and they are hereby enjoined and required, on or before the firft Day of December Lcam &c.°" ^"^ thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight, to caufe a fufficicnt Tunnel to be laid, and for ever thereafter to be kept and maintained, under the faid Drain called WwMington Learn, or the Tvi'enty Foot Drain, lying unlcfs a Mill b: within the fiiid firft Diftrict, at or near the End of Curf and Gore Severals, unlefs the faid Commiffioners, eieft>.'d for an- or any five or more of them, fhall think it more convenient and neceffary to anfwer the Purpofes of Drain- fiveringth.-l'ur- jng to ereft z Mill or Engine there, that then the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, fhall, lofethercoi. J,, jjj.^ qj: ^^^]^ Tunnel, caufe a fuificlent Mill or Engine to be ere6f:ed and built, and for ever thereafter to be kept and maintained, and worked as often as fhall be necefiary, on fome convenient Place in Curf ?.rid Charge! ri.ereof Gore Severals z^Qxc^Xxd ; and the Expences of laying down fuch Tunnel, or of erc61:ing and building fuch to bepa^d hyihu ^^^jj]] q,- Engine, and maintaining and working the fame, fliall be defrayed out of the Monies arifing within, fi:ft Diftria. ^^^ j,^ rclarion to, the faid firft Diftria. Suffirient Drains XXXII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, or any five to be made in or more of them, fhall, and they are hereby enjoined and required, on or before the firft Day of December tiie fecond l>i- Q,^g thoufand iev&ix hundred and fifty-eight, to make, or caufe to be made, and from time to time, always !.!i*r I'ar's"" thereafter kept and maintained, one Cut or Drain acrofs the faid Wafte Land called The Turf Fen, lying ihtfcoi'- '" tl'.e faid fecond Diftrict, from the South Eaft Corner of the Lands in Vnderhlll, belonging to the Reaory of Doddington, to the Lands belonging to the Heirs of fofcph Pop.', and which are Part of the ninety-five thouf-nd Acres defcrihcd in the Lot liook of the Corporation of Bedford Level, Lot (7) Letter B. and alia (.ne otlier Drain acrols the faid I'urf- fen, from the South £aft Corner of the Lands ii Ea/fall Moor^ late "John L'gram's, to the faid Lands belonging to the Hors of Jojeph Pope; which faid fevcral Drains fhall be made of the VViJth of nine Feet at the Icaft at the I'op, and of otlier fufficicnt Dimcnfions ; and the faid Commilfioners, or any ive or moi;e of them, fhall, and ihcy arc hereby enjoined and required, immediately an<? proper afiCr fuch Drains are completed, to caufe proper Bridges to built, or Tunnels to be made, and for ever there- Brid.c* and after fiip|)ortcd and maintained, in or over the faid Drains, in fuch Part thereof as fhall be neceffary and 'jnnneU, to be convenient for the l^afi'age of Cattle and Cirriagcs; and the Exp(.nces of making, building and maintain- V'n^'^iuVia '"2 "*" ^-^•'^'"s ^""^ Bridges, or Tunnels, (hall be defrayed out of the Alonies arifing within, or in relation to, the faid fecond DiftriCt. Fenccjto'.c XXXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Commiffioners, or any five ended ). X each or morc of them, fhall, and they are hereby enjoined and requiied, from time to time, to make, fet up and , Diftnfi. ticct, and for ever repair and maintain, fuch convenient Gates, Stiles or other proper Fences, in and upon fuch