Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/556

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522 5 Geo. i. c, 23, 12 Geo. 2* c. 2t. joCco, 2. ^ ig. C. I-. Anno prlmo Georgii III. A. D. 176a further encouraging the ManufaSlurc £/"Britifb SailClcth, by taking off" the Duties and Drawbacks therein incntioned and alloiving an additional Bounty en Britifh niad^e Sail Cloth exported ; and for /lamping Bri- tifh made Sail Cloth luitb the Name and P lac of Abode of the Maker ; a certain ^-early Sum was paid out of the aggregate Fund to his f.iid late Majefty, during his Life, in lieu of fuch Part of th'j Duties on the Iiriportation of rough and undrciled Flax, thereby difcontinued, as was applicable to the Support of his-Majefly's Houfeliold, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown: And by one other Acl made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majcfty, intituled, An A£l for laying Duties on Low "W'ines and Spirits, thereby made Part of the faid Fund : And in purfuance of one other Acl made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, intituled, An A^ for taking off the Duties upon Woollen and Bay Tarn imported fro7n Ireland to England ; and for the more effectual preventing the Exportation of Wool from Great Britain, andoflFool, and Wool manufaSiurcd^ from Ireland to Foreign Parts ; a certain yearly Sum was paid to his faid late Majefty during.his Life^. in lieu of fuch Part of the Duties thereby difcontinued, on the Importation of Woollen and Bay Yarn from Ireland, as was applicable towards the Support of his Majefty 's Houfehold, and of tl/e Honour and Dignity of the Crown : And by one other Acl made in the thirtieth Year of theReigij. of his faid late Majefty, (intituled, An Act for granting to his Majefty fever al Rates and Duties upon Indentures, Leafes, Bends, and other Deeds, ajid ixpon News Papers, Adveriife?nents, and Almanacks, and upon Licences for retailing JVine ; and upon Coals exported to foreign Parts and for applying, from a certain Titne, the Su7ns of Money arifingfrom the Surplus of the Duties on Licences for retailing Spirituous '^ ■ f* cnt Majcfiy, iniitided. An Ad for the better Regulation of Attornies and Sollicitors ; and for enlarging theTiyne for filing Affidavits of the Execution of ContraBs of Clerks to Attornies and Sollicitors ; and alj'o the Tifnefor Payment of the Duties otnitted to be paid for the Indentures and Controls of Clerks and Ap- prentices) the yearly Sum of feven thoufand and two Pounds fourteen Shillings and three Pence,. was diretfbed to be paid to his faid Majefty, his Heirs, and JSuccefibrs, out of the Monies which fhould arife from the new Duties thereby granted on Licences to retail Wine, in lieu of the former Duties : And whereas your Majefty^ has been gracioufly pleafed to fignify your Confcnt to your faithful Commons in Parliament ailembled. That whenever they fhould enter upon the Confidcra- tion of making Provifton for your Houfehold, and the Honour and Dignity of your Crown, fuch Difpofition might be made of your'Majefty's Intereft in the hereditary Revenues of the Crown, as might beft conduce to the Utility and Satisfaction of the Publick; thereby giving the moft fubftan- tial Proof of your tender Concern for the Welfare of your People ; and that the fame is fuperior. In your Royal Breaft, to all other Confiderations : We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Sub- jects the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament aflembled, with Hearts full of the warmeft Duty and Gratitude, are defirous. That a certain and competent Revenue for defraying the Ex* pences of your Majefty's Civil Government, and fupporting the Dignity of the Crov^n oi Grecv^; Britain during your Life (which God long preferve) may be fettled on your Majefty; and that your Majefty may be enabled to make an honourable Provifion for the Royal Family, as aTcfti- mony of our unfeigned AfteCtion to your facred Perfon, by whofe happy AccefHon to theThrone, your Majefty's Subjects have the ftrongeft Aflurance that the Religion, Laws, and Liberties of this Realm will be continued ; and that they, your faid Subjcdts, and their Pofterity, ma}', through the Divine Goodnefs, enjoy every Blefiing under your A'lajefty's aufpicious Reign ; have therefore freely and unanimoufly refolved to grant unto you, our moft gracious Sovereign Lord YixngGeorge the 'Third, a certain Revenue payable out of the aggregate Fund ; and that the faid temporary Rates, Duties, and Impofttions be continued, and the Produce thereof, together with the Produce of the hereditary Revenues aforefaid, be made Part of the faid Fund during your Majefty's Life ; and do moft hum.bly befecch your Majefty, that it may be enacted;' and Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majelty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commoiis, in this prefcnt Parliament afiemblcd, and by the Authority of the fame. That from The hereditary Rates and immediately after the Demife of his faid late Majefty King George the Second, of blefled Memory, r.nd Duties of Excifc cri- foj- and during the Term of the natural Life of his Maj.fty King George the Third (whom God long finally granted by Aa prefcrve) theYaid Rates and Duties of Excife upon Be-jr, Ale, and other Liquors, granted to his faid Indp'.Vd^Vhere'tofcre, Majefty King Charles theSecond, by the faid Act made in the twelfth Year of his Reign, ^intituled, ftom the Uemife ot" the A Grant of certain hnpofitions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for the Incrcafe of his Majfys Revenue late King, for and during ^zi?7«/ his Life and which wcrc granted to their late Majcfties King William and Queen Mary, by the Life of his prefcnt jh^ (^^^ y^i made in the fecond Year of their Reign, for their Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of M3j<.fly Geo. 3. ^j^^.^ . ^^^j which were continued to her faid late Majefty Qiicen Anne, by the faid^Ad of the firft Year of her Reign, for her Life; and which were continued to his faid A'lajefty King George the Firft, by an Act of the iirlt Year of his Reign, for his Life ; and to his faid late Majefty ¥^v%Gtorge the Second, by the faid Act made in the ftrlt Year of his Reign, for his Life (other than and except the faid Duty of fix Pence for every Burel of Vinegar Beer, before mentioned to have been formerly excepted) and alfo the faid Duty of fix Pence, Part of the fiid Duty of eight Shillings, for every Ihi'y on Vinegar. Barrel of Vinegar, Vinegar Beer, or Liquor preparing for Vinegar, whidi fhall be brewed or made of any £«^/.i/?> or Foreign Material, by any rcffon or Pcrfons v/hatfoever, for Sale, and fo in pru- poition