Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/605

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A. D. 1760* Anno primo Georgii III. 0.21, 22. 571 CAP. XXf. "An Acl for the better Prefervatlon of the Game in that Part of Greet Britain called Scot- land:, and for repealing Part of an A6V paflcd in the twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty, for the better Prefervation of the Game in that Part of Great Britain CdWc^ Scotland. OR the better Prefervation of the Game in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland^ may itl^rcamUc Scotland Qx2^ Uj^on any Pretence whatfoever, take, kill, deftroy, carry, fell, buy, have in his ortween lo Nov. and 25 rPoiTeflion or Ufe, any Moor Fowl or Tarmagan, between the ttm Day o^ November and theJ"b;. c in he. X v^..>... >... 7 — - ^ . twenty-fifth *Day of Jul/., in any Year ; nor any Partridge between the firll D'ay of Febi uary and the '^'^J'j'^f^ ^^^^-'^^^ i F'.b. firft Day of Septe?nber^ in any Year ; nor any Pheafant between the firft Day of February and the firll" PheafAn'^befween iFeb. TtzY o^ O^ober^ in any Year; nor any Heath Fowl commonly called 5/i3t/t' G<?/7/t', between the hrlla;idrOa. Day of Decernbcr and the twenty-fifth Day of AuguJJ^ in any Year. Black Game between x II. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon tranfgreffing this ^diP^'-^p^ ^S Aug. in. in any of the aforefaid Cafes, fhall, for every Bird fo taken, killed, deftroyed, carried, fold, bought, ^"^j,^_^^[^' ^P j found in their PoflelHon, or ufed, forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds Sterling; and in cafe of°"j Monfh°imprifon- Infolvency, the Party offending (hall fuffcr Imprifonment tor the Space of two Months. ment. III. And be it further ena£i:ed by the Authority aforefaid. That all Oftences ag inft this kdi fhall oi^ences how to be en- and mav be enquired into and determined either by the Oath or Oaths of one or more credible Wit- quired into and deter- nefs or'Witnefles, or by the Confeflion or Oaths of the Parties accufed, before any two or more of"^'"*^*^- his Maiefty's Jufticcs of the Peace, or before the Sheriff Depute of the County where the Offence {hall be committed, or where the Offender fhall be found ; and that all Profecutions for Offences a<^ainl1 this A6t fhall be carried on, either at the Inftance of the Fifchal of Court, or of any other l^rfon who will inform or complain. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That one Moiety of the Forfeitures to Appllca:tIon of the Fcr- be incurred for any Offence againft this A6i:, fliall, when recovered, be paid to the Informer or Pro- ^'^"*' fecutor, and the other Moiety (hall be applied to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifli or Place where the Oftence fhall be committed. V. Provided always. That any Perfon aggrieved by the Judgment of any Juflices of the Peace, orPerfons aggr'eved may Sheriff Depute as aforefaid, may have Liberty to appeal to the next General or Quarter Sefuons, i" ^emo!i •^"or Lo^roV cafe fuch Judgment was given by any Juflices of the Peace as aforefaid, or to the Lords of Jufiiciary t^,(^'°"j' ^ in their next Circuit Court, or (where there are no Circuit Courts) to the Court of Jufliciary at Edinburgh^ in cafe the Judgment complained of was given by the Sheriff Depute of any County ; and that the Determination of the faid General or Quarter Seflions, or of the faid Circuit Court, (hall be final and conclufive to all Parties. yi. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft fhall extend to any Pheafant or Partridge, A a not to extend to which (hall be taken in the Seafons allowed by this Aft, and kept in any Mew ox Breeding f*"'"-'"" o Pf^''g«  ,,, kept in Mews, &c. VII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefa'd. That from and after the pafling of thisClaufe in A£i 24'Geo. prefent Aft, fo much of an Aft paffed in the twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of his Iate""Majcil:y2- ^- 34- rep jkd. Kino- George the Second, intituled. An Act for the better Prefervation of the Ga?ne in that Part o/'Great Britain f^/A-^/ Scotland, as limits the Time for killing any Moor Fowl, Partridge, or Heath Fowl, (hall be and is hereby declared to be repealed. CAP. XXIT. An Aft for applying the Money granted in this SefTion of Parliar'nent towards defraying the Charge of the Pay of the Militia of that Part of Great Britain called E^tgland when unembodied, and of the Cloathing of the Part of the faid Miliiia now unembodicd, for one Year, beginning the twenty fifth Day o^ March one thoufand ^tvtw hundred and fixty-one. WHEREAS the Sum of feventy thoufand Pounds has been granted to his Majefty, upon Preamble. Accoimt, towards defraying the Charge of the Pay of the Militia of that Part of Great Bri- tain called England^ when unembodied, and of the Cloathing of the Part of the faid Militia now unembodicd, for one Year, beginning the tvv'enty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one ; in order therefore that the Charge of Pay and Cloathing of fuch Militia may be duly and properly defrayed and fatisfied ;' Be it enafted by the King's moft Majefty, by and with Where T»a> Ua; w,t vft the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent f* " ^^'^'^^ th»^LKu- Pirlian^ent affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That within ten Days after that his ]VIa-"'-"'> ""^ P^;'^^ ■^■-^'»- i a. !>»'*' .J f.-,/. •' ^, T-. Y~> ^ .. r f _.. Tl'j- tenant or the County, a - jcfty's Lieutenant, of, in h^ Abfenoe, any three Deputy Lieutenants of aiy County, Riding, or ter having certified /JiU- 4 D 2 Place