Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/288

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8tftyiira&oj0»' Amentmtent amerciament* ^nnuitie^ 2. Duties payable on Exportation not altered by 8 Geo. i. c. I J. §8. aimana'Cfeg* See Stamps. 1. The Quarter-Seffions h* w to order Buildings for their Poor, . 43 EI. r, 2. § ;■ 2. How exempt from Taxes, 40^, 3. c . 2. § 22 IS 26. 3. The Tenants of Alms-houfes wv^ re not to claim fuch Ex- emption, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 23 y 24. 4. Commiffioners how to determine Queh> )ris relating to the taxing of Alms-houfes, Geo. 3. c. 2. § 25, £«• Charitable aafes r. aitat** See Service. i. Where their Servants are excepted from the Penalties of Re- cufancy, 1 W. IS M.ft. 1. c. 9. § 5. 2. Privileged from Amfts, 7 Jit", c. 12. 3.. Traders not privileged by putting themfelves into the Service of A mbaffadors, 7 Ann. c. 12. § 5, — Their Servants to be re- giftered, ibid. 4. Violations of their Privileges excepted out of general Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. (. ;z. § 1 1. 5. Affeffments on their Houfes to be paid by their Landlords, 4 Gee. 3. c, 2. § 43. amfret* Duties on Amber Beads, Amber rough, and Amber Oil, 4 IS 5 /F. y M. r. ;. §2. amendment* 1. No Fines to be taken for Amendments, 52 W. 3. r. 11. 2. Errors in Records owing to the Mifprifion of Clerks, may be amended, 14 Ed. 7. ft. r. f. 6, 3. Records not to be amended in a Term after the Judgment given andinrolled, 1 1 H. 4. c. 3. 4. May be amended as well after Judgment given as before, 9 H. 5. ft. 1. r. 4. 4#„6. f. 3. Except Appeals and Indictments of Treafon, ISc. 8 #. 6* c 12. § z. rf c. 15. 5„ Not to extend to Wales or Procefs of Outlawry, 4 H. 6. c. 3. 8 H. 6. <-. 1 r. 6. Writs of Error may be amended, 5 Geo. 1. r. 13. 7. Judgment not to be reverfed for Error, 8 H. 6. c. 12.— —De- fendant in Error may alledge Diminution or Variance, and it (hall be amended, 8 H. 6. c. 12. § 2, 8. Judge may amend Miftakes of Clerks, 8 H. 6. c. 15. 9. Defe&s in Orders of Juftices, relating to the Duties on Malt and Leather, to be amended at the Seffions, 6 Geo. 1. 021. 5 10 - 10. Defe&s in Juftices Orders, may be amended at the Seffions, 5 Geo. 2. c. 19. For other Matters, fee 3JL{fi?e 23, ^Jeofails, ISCCO^S, amerciaments* 1.. Shall befalvo contenemento, and mall be affered, M. C. 9 H. 3- c. 1 J. 2. Who may amerce for Default on common Summons, 52/f. 3. c. 18. 3. Townfhips mail not be amerced by Juftices in Eyre, if a fuf- ficient Number come, St. Murleb. 52 #. 3. c. 24. 4. Vouchee fhall not be amerced before Juftices in Eyre, for not appearing, except on the firft Day, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. c, 26. 3. Shall be reafonable, St. Weflin. 1. 3 Ed. I. <■. 6. 6. Where Diffeifors fhall be amerced, 6Ed.i. c. 14. 7. Fines for Trefpafs fhall be reafonable, 34 Ed, 3. c. 1. S. Fines fhall be taken in the Prefence of the Pledges, 38 Ed. 3. 9. Amerciaments for infufficient Returns, fhall be fet on Bailiffs, iSc of Franchifes, and not on Sheriffs, 27 H. 8. c. 24. 10. Exceffive Fines and unufual Punifhments declared illegal, 1 IV. IS M. ft. 2. c. 2. 11. Grantsof Fines before Conviction illegal, : W. tS M.ft. 2.e. 2. For other Matters, fee 1fl5attfe 3. CCtreatS, JFilteB, IDe» fault, Capiatut p?o fine. America* See Plantations. amofceais manum* In what Cafes to be granted, 29 Ed. 1 . Stat, de Efcheatoribus. , Ammunition* See Gunpowder. amptljill* The Honoui r>f ( 33 H. 8. c. 37. 8ltabaptift0* See Nonconfbrmifts. ancljctties* t. To what Duties liable, 4 W. IS M. c. 5. § 2. 2. Their Importation provided for, 10 iS 1 1 W. 3. c, 24. § 14 Ancient £>emefae* 1 . Lords not to lofe Conufance by being named Diffeifors, 9 H. 4. c. J. 2. Or through Defendant's Default by Collufion, BH.6. c.z6. anslefea* 1. Inhabitants of Angkfea where excepted, with regard to Duties of Cuftoms, 1 El. c. 1 1 . § t2. 2. Power given to adjourn the Quarter-Seffions for adminiftring the Oaths, 1 Geo. 1. c. 26. § 8. 3. Excife Offices, where to be kept in Anghfea, 1 W. & M.ft. 1. c. 24. § 14. annates See Firft-Fruits. Annuities* 1. Thofe chargeable for the Maintenance of Grammar Schools, iSc. to be paid as ufual, 22 Car. 2. c. 6. ^14. 2. Annuities with Survivorfhip charged on the Excife, 4 W. £sf M. £. 3. 3. Annuities for Lives charged, 5 W. y M. c. 5. 4. For one, two or three Lives, 5W.&M. c. 20. § 34. 5. Changed into certain Interefts, 6 IS 7 W. 3. c . 5. 7 IS 8 W.-i,.c.z. 9 ff. 3. c. ? tf 2f 1 1 £2f zW. 3. f. 3. §7. 6. Annuities of 3 /*>- Cent, granted on the Bankers Debt, re- deemable on Payment of a Moiety of the Principal, 12 IS 13 W. 3. c. 12. § 15. 2.1S l Ann. c. $. 7. Annuities for 89 Years upon the Excife,^. 1 Ann. ft, 2. ■ c. 5. For 99 Years, 2 tS 3 A». r. 3. 3 IS 4 ^?»». r. 2. 4 Ann. c. 6. 5 Ann. c. 19. 6 ^»». c. 5 Cif 11. 8. Annuities granted to the Bank in lieu of Exchequer Bills, 7 ^*». r. 7. 9. Lottery Annuities for 23 Years, 8 Ann. c. 4. § 13, 14. i o. Annuities for 32 Years granted on the Coal Duty, (Sc. 8 Ann. c. 7. § 28. 11. Annuities granted payable at the Bank, 1 Geo. 1. c. 12, 19, 21. § 1 1. 2 Geo. 2. c. 3. 16 Gio. 2. c. 13. 12. Time limited for Annuitants for Life, claiming their Annui- ties, 1 Geo. 1. c. 36. § 16. 13. Annuities granted in lieu of Lottery Orders, 3 Geo. 1. f. 7. 14. Certain Annuities paid at the Bank, 3 Geo. 1. c. 8. § 50. 15. Lottery