Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/348

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€,rto?t(oit* jFafta anl» $artet£ Jfatfe iBcftiis. Ctfle. No Freeman to be exiled but by lawful Judgment of his Peers. or by the Law of the Land, 9 //. 3. f. 29. dotation. 1. Three Years from the Time of Importation of Goods allowed for their Exportation, 7 Geo. 1. y?. 1. c. 21. § 10. 2. For the Exportation of Goods from or to the ^ of Man, Ireland, or the Plantations, or other Countries, fee the refpec- ti<ue Countries. 3. For Exportation of Corn, Wool, Money, tifr. fee the refpec- ti-ve Commodities. Cjctenta spanetii, qEdii.Jl.u CCtCttt. See Execution. j . The King's Officers (hall not take Hire for doing their Of- fices, on Pain of double Damages, &c. St. Weflm. 1 . 3 Ed. 1 . c. 26. 2. The Juftices Clerks, fcfr. to pay treble Damages, St. Wejlm. . c. 27. & f. 30, 3. Punifhmentof Officers of the Courts taking more than their Fees, St. Wejlm. 2. 13 Ed. I. c. 44. 4. Indiftments of Ordinaries or their Minifters for Extortion or Oppreffion fhall fet forth the Fact in certain, 25 Ed. ^.fl. 3. c. 9. 5. Extortion in Probate of Wills examinable by the Judges, 31 Ed. I.fl. I. c, 4. 6. Extortion in Sheriffs to be puniihed at the King's Will, 1 H. 4. r. it. 7. Penalty of Officers of the Cuftoms diftraining Ships or Goods wrongfully, 28 H. &. r.J. 8. Informations for Extortion may be laid in any County, 31 El. f • S • § 4 - 9. Penalty on Sheriffs taking Fees for levying the King's Debts, 3 Geo. 1. c. 15. § 13. For other Matters, ^ CO? OtlCtS 16. CuttOtttS, CCCUS- attical fJsrfone, csV. fjjobate, IReference, j^ljetiffs. 2. Fairs to be held no longer than the Time proclaimed, zEd,$. c 15. 3. Penalty on felling Wares after the Fair is ended, e £V. 3. c, 5. 4. What Contracts are triable by Courts of Pifoiuder, 17 Ed. 4. r. 2. 5. Not to be prejudicial to the Bifhop of Durham, ibid. Made perpetual by 1 R. 3. c. 6. 6. Oath muft be made that the Caufe of Aftion arofe within the Fair, ibid, 7. Days on which Fairs, csV. are not to be kept, 27 H. 6. c. ;. 8. Penalties on Perfons living in the Country, csV. and felling Wares in a Market-Town, except in open Fair, though they have a Licence to fell as Hawkers, cifc. 1 tif 2 P. & M. c.f. 9^ io W. 3. c. 27. § 15. 9. Saving of the Rights of the Universities, 1 i£ 2 P. & M. c.j. § 6. I a. The Place for holding a Horfe-Fair, and a Toll-taker, how to be appointed, 2 5sS 3 P. W A?, c. 7. § z. 11. The Horfes fold how to be booked and noted, z cif 3. P. 13 M. c.7. § 2, 3. 12. What other Circumftances are required to change the Pro- perty of a ftolen Horfe by a Sale in Fair or Market, 2 dif 3 i». & M. c. 7. § 4, 5. 31 £/. c 12. 13. How a Horfe fo ftolen may be redeemed, 31 El. e.z. § 4. 14. A Sale in a Fair or Market is not within the Reftraint of 8 & 9 W. 3. concerning Hawkers and Pedlars, 8 csf 9 Z*^. 3. f. 25. 15. Billing/gate a Free Fifh-Market, 10 £5? 11 ^. 3. r. 24. 16. How the Land-Tax is to be collected on Fairs, 4 Geo. 3. r. 2. § 123. For other Matters, fee SBlehOllfeS 3, 12. OSiHittgfgate, CU&lacfettielHNU, Caletttmr 2. ilatobets 4. Heather 7, 32, csV. JUnoon 24. ©oUu, ffiltooDftocfe, 2&ojs €p?e. 1. Juftices fhall not amerce Townlhips if enough come, 52 H. 3. c. 24. 2. The common Fine and Amerciament of the County fhall be affeffed before the Juftices, St. Weflm. 1 . 3 Ed. 1 . c . 1 8. 3. At what Time Ne recipiatur fhall be before Juftices in Eyre, St. Weflm. 2. 13 .£7. 1. c. 10. 4. Perfons may make a General Attorney to appear in the Eyre, 5/. Weftm. 2.13 Ed. t . e. 10. 5. The Oaths of the Officers and Jurors in the Eyre, Inter flatuia hcerti temp. — Juftices in Eyre to enquire of undue Delivery of Felons, Inter flat, incert. temp. 6. Juftices in Eyre can be made by none but the King, 27 if. 8. c. 24. § 2. 7. Matters inquirable in the Eyre, Inter flat, incert. temp. F. faftog* See Bankrupts 38. Broker, Cattle 26. f airs anti spatltets. J, Not to be kept in Church -yards, 13, z.c.6. 3 falfe 3!itogment. 1. Plea of falfe Judgment to be holden by none but the King, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. c. 19. 2, If the Record be wrong returned, the Variance may be averred, 1 Ed. 1. ft. 1. r, 4. falfe Befog. 1. Slanderous to the King, &c. to be punimed by Imprilbnment, tiff. 5/. JT<yfc». i. 3 Ed. 1. f. 34. ifcfa P. cifM. r. 3. 1 El: c. 6. Or ilanderous to Great Men, z 72. 2. r. 5. 12 .#. 2. f. 11. 2. Falfe Prophecies made Felony, 33 H. 8. r. 14. Punifhed by pecuniary Penalties, 3^4 .£</. 6. c. 15. By Imprifonment, 5 El. C. 15. 23 i^. C. 2. for *A&«r Matters, fee J^canDalUItt S^agltatUItt, falfe SttggeftlOlt. See Suggefttoo, • falfe Cofteng. See Cheats. f alftfptng J&eco&eries. Where a Recovery againft a Freeholder may be falfified by a Te- nant for Years, c.r a Perfon having or being intitled to have- Lands in Execution, St, Glcuc. 6 Ed. i./.i.mi, ziH.i, c 15. farmers? of Crcife, Their Authority, 16 eff 17 Car. 2. c. 4. jrarmerg ann farms, 1. Farmers not to do Wafte, St. Marleb. 52 H. 3. c. 2i r 2. No Man ihall have more than two Farms, 25 H. 8. c. 13. § J4. 32 H. 8. c, 28. § 4. 3. Farmers;