Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/682

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2 o8 APPENDIX. Taxed, and the fame be proved before the Commiffioncrs or any two of them, or before any two Jus- tices of the Peace, of the County where fuch Perfon dwelleth or refideth, at any time within Six months next enfuing, after fuch Tax made, every Perfon that fhall fo efcape from the Taxation and Payment, fhall be > ' Taxed Commi and Tenements offuch Perfons towards the Supply aforefaid. XIV. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners that fhall be within any County, City or Place within their refpective Limits, or the major part of them, fhall Rate, Tax and Affefs every other Commiffioner joyned with them, for and in refpect of the Goods, Chat- tels, and Perfonal Eftate whereof fuch Commiffioner fhall be poffeffed ; And alfo for and in refpect of the Offices and Employments of Profit, which at the time of fuch Taxation fhall be held and enjoyed by fuch Commiffioner, fo as the Refidence and ufual Dwelling-place of fuch Commiffioner fo to be Taxed, be within the Divifion of fuch Commiffioners by whom he is Taxed, and fo as the Office or Employment held and enjoyed by fuch Commiffioner fo to be Taxed, be likewife to be exercifed within the Divifion or Limits of fuch Commiffioners, by whom he is to be Taxed ; And the Commiffioners within their Divifion fhall alfo Affefs every Affeffor within their Divifion, who fhall be poffeffed of any Goods and Chattels, or other Perfonal Eftate, for which by this Act he ought to be Rated and Affeffed j And as well all Summons upon every the faid Commiffioners and Affeffors, as the Affeffments made and fet by the Affeffors aforefaid, fhall be Written, Eftreated, Levied and Gathered as it mould and ought to have been if the faid Commiffioners had not been named Commiffioners. XV. And be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons having any Share or Shares, or Intereft in the frefh Stream of Running-water brought to the North parts of London, commonly called the New River; or in ti-.e Thames Water-Works; or in the Hyde-Park or Marybone Waters, or any Rents or Profits arifing thereby ; And all Perfon and Perfons having any Share or Intereft in the Stock or Stocks for Printing of Books in or belonging to the Houfe commonly called the King's Printing-houfe, (hall pay for the fame the Sum of One (hilling for every Twenty (hillings of the clear Yearly Value thereof ; And that all Companies of Merchants in London charged by this Act, (hall be Affeffed by the Commiffioners to be nominated and appointed for the faid City, or any Three of them, for their refpective joynt Stock and Stocks; And all and every Perfon and Perfons having any Share or Shares, or Intereft in the New River Water brought to the North parts of London, or in the Tha?nes Water- Works, or the Hyde-park, or Marybone Waters, or any Rents or Profits arifing thereby charged by this Act; And alio the faid Stock and Shares for Printing, as afore- faid, (hall be Affeffed for the fame in like manner by the faid Commiffioners or any Three of them, after the Rates herein contained ; And the fame fhall be paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as the (aid Com- miffioners fhall appoint, by the Governors and Treafurers of the faid refpective Companies, and by the Trealurers of the faid River-Water and Water-works, and Stock for Printing, and be deducted at and •out .of their next Dividends. XVI. Provided always, and it is hereby Declared, That the feveral Rates and Taxes, to which the Lords and Peers of this Realm, (hall be liable by virtue of this Act, for or in refpect of their Perfonal Eftates and Offices, fhall be received by a Collector, to be nominated by the Peers ; which faid Col- lector fhall caufe the fame to be paid into Their Majefties Receipt of Exchequer at Weftminjler, upon or before the Eirft day of December, in the Year of our Lord One thoufand fix hundred eighty nine, or within Thirty days after. XVII. Provided alfo, That this Act fhall not extend to the Inhabitants of Scotland, Ireland, ferfey or Gucmjey, for or concerning any fuch Perfonal Eftate aforefaid, which they, or any to their ui'e, have within the Places aforefaid, or fo any who having been Inhabitants of Ireland, and have fled into this Kingdom, fince the Eirft day of November One thoufand fix hundred eighty eight, for or concerning any Perfonal Eftate which they, or any to their ufe, have in this Kingdom of England, or in the faid Kingdom of Ireland ; And if any Perfon or Perfons Certified, Affeffed or Rated, for or in refpect of any Real or Perfonal Eftate, or for or in refpect of any Matter or Thing, for which by this Act he or they is or may be Rated or Charged, do find him or themfelves agrieved with fuch Affeffing or Rating, and do within Ten days after Demand thereof made, complain to the Commiffioners, the faid Commif- fioners, or any two or more of them (whereof one of the Commiffioners who Signed or Allowed his or their Rate to be one] fhall and may within Fourteen days next after fuch Complaint, particularly Exa- mine any Perfon or Perfons upon his or their Oath (other then the Party complaining) touching the, value of .his or their Real or Perfonal Eftate, and other the Matters aforefaid, and upon due Examina— tion, or Knowledge theteof, abate, defalk, increafe or enlarge the faid Affeffment ; And the fame fo abated, increafed or enlarged, (hall be Certified or Eftreated by them into the Exchequer in manner a- forefaid ; And to that end the faid Commiffioners are hereby required to meet together for the deter- mining of fuch Complaints and Appeals accordingly. XV HI. And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Affeffor, Collector, Re- ceiver, or other Perfon appointed by the Commiffioners, (hall wilfully neglect, or refufe to perform his Duty in the due and fpeedy Execution of this Act, the faid refpective Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, may and fhall, by virtue of this Act, Impofe on fuch Perfon and Perfons, fo refuting or neglecting their Duties, any Fine not exceeding the Sum of Five pounds for any one Offence, the fame to^be Levied and Certified as aforefaid, into his Majefties Court of Exchequer, and Charged upon the refpective Receiver General amongft the reft of the Rates aforefaid ; And the faid Commiffioners, or any .two or more of them, may or fhall from time to time call for, and require an Accompt from the re- , fpective